Chapter 10 Wells

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Through the woods they marched. Wells was at the front of the group line, along with his father, Jaha, his friend, Claudia, and were also joined with Octavia and Pike. Behind them, were the remaining hundred they retrieved from the Dropship. In the crowd was Finn, Alexandra, Olivia, Murphy, and someone who did not come down with the hundred, Raven, the girl who came down in a tiny pod. The line Wells lead was wide, no one of the hundred wanted to be in the back, they were fearful of the beast Octavia warned them about, but the very few Grounders who lingered in the back assured them the beast wouldn't dare attack huge packs of people, but they still went with their instincts. 

"Hey, Wells." Murphy said, stepping forward from behind a few other teens. Wells enjoyed that Murphy dropped the nicknames such as 'Earth boy' and 'Chancellor Of Earth,' he wasn't sure whether it was because the actual former chancellor was present or he actually learned some respect. 

"Yeah Murphy?" Wells rose of his brows, and turned back to face the dull faced boy. 

"Once we get back to the Ark wreckage, then what? You said something about war." 

"Yeah, Clarke and the Grounder commander will come pick you and everyone up tomorrow, to fight against the Ice Nation, a tribe similar to the Grounders. Once the war is over, and you and the remaining hundred proved your loyalty to the Grounders, Commander Lexa said she'll allow you all to fully become apart of her coalition..peace after war." Wells tone was broad, and a tad deep, but he was hopeful. He may not be around to take part in this war, to help those who need help, but he wishes them the best of luck, he wants them to succeed. He honestly hopes that maybe the City Of Light will be a sanctuary that will change the way he thinks of Trikru, he hopes it'll enhance his current state of mentality. 

"I see...Kinda glad we brought those guns.." Murphy chanted, crossing his arms. Wells nodded in response, turning back towards his Father. "Twelve people out of this bunch agreed to join us on our journey to the City Of Light, the same twelve who rebelled with me against the Grounders leader, Lexa." 

"Good, the more the merrier." Jaha responded, patting his sons back. 

"The more people coming, the more of a chance we'll last out get to the City Of Light, we'll have to cross the water, no trees...just miles of endless sand lands conjoined by a thick river at the edge of it, which we have to cross...It is going to be a hell." Claudia added, staring Wells in the eyes quite seriously. Wells didn't respond, he just gave her a look which she understood quite nicely. Wells knew he and the people joining him were going to make it, they were born for this. As Wells lead the hundred down a miniature ridge, men on horses came riding from the right woods. Wells held out his arms, halting the remaining hundred, seventy-two he believed there were. nineteen died from the dropship breaking in half, and the others dying from different situations. One of the men on horses rode forward, coming to a stop in front of Wells. 

"The Commander has sent for me to retrieve the Sky people army you and your people have promised." The Grounder huffed. Wells stood there, confused. He cocked his head to the right, and crossed his arms. 

"The Commander informed me that their assistance wouldn't be needed until tomorrow...what changed?" Wells questioned. The Grounder on the horse stared at him, in an eerie way, the mask made of animal bones he was wearing was making him kinda nervous enough. 

"Things have changed, The Commander wants the war to be early, so that she can make the first please, before I am forced to do something, have the hundred soldiers walk forward, and follow I and Embrogio back to the capitol to prepare." The Grounder snarled in a more demanding tone. Wells sighed, turning towards the crowd, the remaining hundred. 

"Alright everyone, looks like your not going home just yet. The commander of the Grounders, Trikru, They need your assistance in a war they can't fight alone..this is going to prove our loyalty to the Grounders if we win..Please, do well." Silence swept among the crowd. All you saw was Finn and Raven holding each other worriedly, Octavia standing there looking quite prepared, and a non-caring Eugene, lingering in the back of the group. Wells had almost forgotten of his existence. Everyone seemed to nod, and disperse. Twelve teens went with Wells, Claudia, and his Father Jaha, to venture out to the City Of Light. While the remaining hundred followed the two riders, among them were Octavia, Murphy, Alexandra, Olivia, and joining them were non-the hundred members, including Raven, Eugene, and Pike. Wells watched them, as they disappeared behind the treeline. 

"The City Of Light is this way...The Deadzone starts up ahead, are you all ready?" Claudia asked, looking back at the Group. Everyone seemed ready, even the ones apart of the group who looked frightened. 

"We are ready...We were born ready." Wells smiled, glancing at his father. 

"Good, then lets begin..To The City Of Light!" Claudia raised her fist in the air as so did everyone else, and that is when it started. The voyage for the promised land began, the journey of truth, the destination of sanity, the walk of galore. The City Of Light is real. 

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