Chapter 13 Clarke

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Clarke had never seen Lexa so relentless, so ferocious looking. The only other time she had seen her near this kind of state was when she identified her as the Throne woman, and the Throne Woman only. She had her black warpaint on, shoulder armor, a red cloth dangling from her shoulders down to her waistline. 

"How do I look?" Lexa asked, extending her arms out, twirling around in an honest circle to present her war outfit in her bedroom, which had a yellow filter to it due to the gleaming sunset. The suns reflective rays shined through Lexa's open window, and beamed on the two. Clarke smiled, crossing her arms. 

"You look great..a warrior, Commander." Clarke giggled. Lexa smiled as well, rolling her eyes. 

"Thanks Clarke, here." Lexa whirled around, revealing her backside, which wasn't covered, there were some loose laces which made Lexa's outfit tend to hang in the back. "Mind tying those up for me?" 

"Sure." Clarke responded, grabbing two dangling laces, and looping them together, making a perfect knot. Then she did the same with the following rows. 

"I'm glad we met each other, Clarke..You are a big help to us all, and especially to me." Lexa spoke gracefully. Clarke shrugged followed by a cough. 

"Lexa, I'm just as helpful to you as everyone in this tower is..Maybe even less. I'm just here because I don't want us to be fighting, I want us to be allies." Clarke sounded timid, but she was actually quite determined. 

"Oh Clarke..You've taught me more about The Ark, where our leaders come from, how you and I have been living in different worlds basically..You've grown on me..your someone I can consider a friend." Clarke felt her stomach buckle, feeling a bit nervous. She hasn't heard someone talk this nice to her since her Ex Best friend Wells, when they were back on the Ark. 

"Same to you, Lexa." Clarke replied, blocking the nervousness out. She tied the last final row of laces, before patting Lexa's shoulders. "Finished..We should get down to the Polis Gates, your army, and my army are waiting for us." 

"Clarke, wait..I would like to know something." 

"Yes, what is it?" 

"When this war is all over, if we do make it out from the hell we're about to face against...Would you come somewhere with me?" 

"Where?" Clarke cocked her head to the right side. 

"a place far West, all the way at the tip of lands. We call it the Orange City...It has lots of towers, not just one like here. The man who rules the clan there, his name is Sabus. I've never been there, but Sabus has visited me here on many occasions. If we do go, your welcomed to bring along as many friends as you like, and stay with me there for as long as you like. I heard the main tower is as far up as your eyes can see, and the beaches waters are as aqua blue as they could get." Lexa spoke with such a whimsical passion, her eyes flared once she spoke of this magical place. Clarke thought it may be to good to be true, the way she describes it, makes it sound as if it was dreamland. But Clarke didn't doubt her, she smiled, and even nodded, knowing that if she were to go, she would bring Bellamy, Finn, Octavia, Raven and the others along with her. Maybe even her Mother, if she is apart of The Ark's wreckage. She just hopes so. 

"I'd love to go. But, we need to worry about this now. War is among us Lexa." Clarke reminded her seriously. Lexa nodded, grabbed her sword holder off her desk, hooking it onto her belt, and sliding her katana into the holder, inhaling deeply. 

"Alright, I'm ready..need any help with your outfit?" 

"No, I'm alright..I got it handled." Clarke replied, turning towards the door, holding it open for Lexa. "After you Ground-Princess." 

"Why thank you Sky princess." Lexa replied with a chuckle, and the two leaving Lexa's bedroom, taking the long flight of stairs down to the Polis gates, where the two Army waits for the two feminine leaders. 


Clarke and Lexa marched together down the final flight of stairs, arriving outside, in front of two whole armies. one side, Lexa's Grounders who looked quite prepared. The other side, Clarke's people, The hundred. She saw a few familiar faces, Murphy, Raven, Finn, even Eugene. She saw someone she hasn't seen so long, she gasped. Charles Pike, The Earth Skills teacher from The Ark. He must have been one of the survivors of the wreckage. Lexa stepped up to a small stand, high enough for just about everybody in the five hundred people crowd to see. 

"Tonight is the peak of War! Tomorrow, is the peak of triumph! Now, let's go!" Lexa raised her fist, and all the Grounders raised their Weapons, shouting in Trigedasleng, turning and running out the gates. The hundred followed. Clarke scanned the hundred once more, wondering where the hell Bellamy and Alyson were at? She ignored it, as she and Lexa conjoined the army of now one. 

"Which way are we headed?" 

"North, we follow Edens path! Have guards head North to attract the Reapers for our subtle diversion. We got this Clarke. The Ice Nation will fall..Now ready your weapons." Lexa marched, as Clarke stuck by her side. The sun was about to disappear over a huge wide range of Mountains, the biggest one Clarke recognizing from her Earth geography books, Mount Weather. She noticed the pointed tip and familiar slant of the rocky Mountain. Something about it was eerie, and made her stomach wheeze, it was at least fifty miles away, you could see it between the peak of two rogue mountains. Maybe it wasn't the Mountain that disturbed Clarke, it was just the frightening conduct of War itself. 

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