Chappy 2 - Amnesia?!

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I'm in the mood to update. :D


Connor's PoV

The sun rays. That's what woke me up. Man my position last night made my back hurt. Plus my guitar was on top of me the whole time. I sat up and placed my guitar down, why am i not on my bed anyway?

I looked around my surroundings, memories from last night flooded me. Right, the accident and that girl... Wait...

The girl!

I whipped my head to the hospital bed only to find the girl sitting up while she stares outside the window. She was sort of spacing out, as she stare at nothing i can't help but think how angelic she looks like specially with that white hospital gown.

"A-ahem" I fake coughed making her startle and look at me with surprise.

"Oh uhmm... you're awake" She said with a small smile.

"Yeeaaah... So, you woke up early?" I asked. I really have no idea what to talk about. Besides, we're strangers.

"Uh-huh." She simply said.

"You should've woke me up. Are you uhmmm-- hungry or something?" I asked. Well, this is a bit awkward.

"You looked tired so i didn't bother, no i'm fine, i think you are" She said then chuckled. Yeah. I am so hungry! And i freaking need my starbucks now!

I took out my phone and dialed Riley's phone number, after three rings he answered.

"Yellow Black and Blue? Hello!" He greeted.

"Where's my starbucks?" I asked straight to the point.

"Well, good morning to you too Mr. Grumpy." He replied sarcastically before the door went wide open revealing the two gorillaz!

"Here yah go." Riley said handing me my cup of coffee as i hang up the call. Toby walked towards the girl who was just staring at us the whole time and handed a cup of coffee too. Toby was smiling like a kid while the girl just stared at the cup.


"This is for you" Toby said. The girl took the cup and said her thank you.

"Hi, i'm Toby Mcdonough. The youngest of the three." Toby introduced himself.

"I'm Riley Mcdonough, the second."

"And i'm Connor Mcdonough. The eldest."

"Pleased to meet you." She replied politely with a smile.

"So... What's your name?" Toby asked before the room fell silent.

"That's what i'm trying to remember..." She finally spoke up.

"Oh god no..." I muttered. She can't remember her name. Don't tell me she has... Amnesia? Is it bad? Of course it is!

"Uh... Do you remember anything? about uhmm... past? or something like why you ended up here?" Riley asked. I'm sure the two of them are also nervous. Well, we might get charged because of this.

"No. Do you? But, earlier i tried remembering something..." She said taking a sip on her starbucks. We took some chairs and surrounded her bed to listen what she has to say.

"Well, it was me as a five year old, at a cemetery. There were two graves which are probably my parents.... Someone was holding me and said Stefanie, the five year old me looked up to the person who called. So that's probably my name with no family. That's all i could remember..." She answered staring outside the window. O--K. That was dramatic but... she's alone. And now she can't remember anything.

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