Chappy 12 - Pranks

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Stefanie's Perspective

After school, Jeanelle invited me to come over her house for a while so i texted Connor about it which he was okay. I wasn't really sure how i'd go home but Jean would just probably drive me home so i didn't worry much. She said i'd be meeting her older brother. I wonder what kind of guy he is... Probably the same as Jeanelle? Or maybe the contrary.

"I hope you won't get overwhelmed." Jeanelle muttered when we stopped in front of a beautiful house that gives this warm vibe around. It's like this house that your grandma owned and you'd pay a visit to just relax and think of nothing but happy thoughts. "Why?" I asked.

"You'll see." She said with a grin before opening the door. We stepped in and i took in the surroundings. It was very homy. I loved the vintage furnitures and paintings. Everything is just so lovely, maybe Jeanelle's mom loves this kinds of things.

"I'm hoooooome!" Jean sing song then we heard loud footsteps coming from upstairs, and it seems like it's getting nearer and nearer. I looked up only to find a guy maybe 20 above or something. Is he Jean's brother? Probably, they do have similarities. "Who's that?" He asked, rather rudely.

"Don't talk like that if you don't want me to throw you back to UNI." Jeanelle spats, punching his arm not too hard. "Oh! I'm sorry, sorry. Hi, nice to meet you. The name's Mark, and you are...?" He chuckled nervously, stepping down the stairs now finally in front of me. He stuck his hand out for a handshake which i gladly held with a smile.

"Stefanie Scott. Nice to meet you too." I answered. He smiled and gestured me to sit. I sat on the couch looking around. Mark sat on the love seat and turned his head to the kitchen where Jean was. "Iced tea for me lil' sis! Chop chop!" He ordered with a laughing face making me giggle. "Not your maid!" She yelled.

"So! Do you like One Direction?" Mark suddenly asks. Ooooook...

"Oh gob Mark, don't start." Jeanelle muttered coming towards us holding a tray with juice and cookies. She placed it on the small table and sat beside me on the couch. Mark took his Iced Tea and quirked an eyebrow towards his sister.

"What? I won't know if she's a fan or something, maybe we could be best friends and---" He was cut off by Jeanelle. "No she can't! She's already my best friend and i don't want my Boy Directioner of a brother stealing her from me." She stuck her tongue out making me giggle. "I'm surprised you finally have a friend! You've been ignoring people lately, especially groups. Am i right?" Mark asked.

"Yeah. Let's just say, i found a very outstanding flower in a flower garden." Jean said turning to me with a smile. That was the sweetest thing a friend could ever tell me. I'm so lucky that i found a friend like her, i'm beyond lucky.

After my visit at Jean's house, we decided she should hang out with us at home since Mark is going somewhere with his girlfriend which by the way is not a big fan of One Direction but not a hater either. Just a normal human being with normal human practices. Ok that was a weird way to say it but... neah.

"Connor can't pick us up. They're at the recording studio but they'll probably come home before dinner, and! with food too." I said happily as we walk towards her car that she only uses seldom. She grinned evilly hearing my news. "What are you thinking?" I asked warily, stepping inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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