Chappy 7 - First Day

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Stefanie's Perspective

Staring at my reflection in front of my life sized mirror, i can't help but feel nervous. It's the first day and i know nothing about it.

Today i wore a simple purple dress landing above my knees and matched with my purple converse. I just let my hair down in its usual waves.

"I can do this" I whispered repeatedly until i heard a soft voice.

"knock knock" I turned around only to find Connor leaning on my door frame.

"hey" i said in a low voice.

"You ready?" He asked. I just nodded then grabbed my book bag.

"We still have two hours Stef. Let's go grab Starbucks" He said with a smile, making me smile too. I noticed that whenever i'm around Connor, i feel at ease.

"Okay" I replied. Just when he grabbed my hand and dragged me inside his car.

Toby and Riley are still asleep by now. But Connor had to wake up early to send me to school. When we finally reached Starbucks, the ordering took a bit longer because the waitress was a fan.

"Con, i'm really really nervous right now. What if they won't like me?" I said when we finally sat down.

"Geez Stef, you react too much. Why won't they like you?" He asked back.

"You never know" I stated.

"Okay. If you feel you're being bullied in any way, just call me and i'll pick you up. How's that?" He suggested.

"That could work but... I don't have a phone." I stated as a matter of fact. I took a sip of my coffee.

"Oh! Almost forgot about that. Here... Riley bought it when you were at Penshoppe with me and Toby. Our numbers are already registered" He said as he hand me a white iPhone.

"Wow. Thanks Con! You guys are the best!!" I cheered as i look at the wallpaper. A picture of the four of us in my room when we were watching Hotel Transylvania.

"We try." He bragged making me chuckle.

"I can see that." I joked.

"Hey let's get you to school." He said standing up.


The whole car ride Conor talked about how school was fun at the same time sucks for the tree of them. He said it's better to laugh of my nervousness.

"We're here." He announced as i look outside the car window. This is it.

"I'll go with you to get your schedule." He said before leaving the car and ran to my side to open mine.

My nervousness rose because i kept getting intense stares from a bunch of girls. Oh boy, this is not good. Maybe bringing Connor was a bad idea.

"I think you shouldn't have come Con." I whispered.

"Well sorry because i won't let you" He said and placed his hand in the small of my back leading me to where i should get my schedule.

When i finally got my schedule, i faced Connor with a smile.

"Byeee" I exclaimed and waved like a child.

"Sorry to disappoint you but i won't let you get lost." He said with a laugh making me pout.

"Aww... Aren't you a cute couple." The lady that gave me my schedule said making me blush. She was maybe in her 60's.

"Thank you Mrs. Genner." Connor replied with a smile that made me surprised. He then led me outside.

"Why didn't you tell her we aren't a couple?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I don't like correcting nice old ladies." He simply said while i just nod my head.


"Here we are."

The whole time we were walking, girls were staring at us. Some were talking about Connor, and some were hating... on me. And oh crap, students inside our room could see us through the glass window.

"I'll leave you here then. Good luck Stef." He said as i nod.

"Thanks Con." I replied.

"Don't forget what i said about calling. Oh and, no talking to jocks okay?!" He warned making me chuckle.

"I won't" I said. Then he finally left.

I now turned to face the door.

Well, here goes nothing.

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