Chapter 5 - New Family Member

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Stefanie's PoV

"Are you really sure about this?" I asked for the hundredth time.

Right now, i was at their house. After what happened at the park, they literally dragged me inside the car to their house. And i must say, it looks really homey.

"Again. Yes!" Connor is probably annoyed by me right now making me giggle.

"And besides, Mom's coming to check on you. After we said your name she was acting like a mad woman!" Riley said yelling the last part making me chuckle. These boys.

"Stef, your bruises are slowly fading! Should i organize a party?" Toby said. Now making me laugh.

"Silly" I said after i calmed down.

"Ok, she's gonna be here any minute n---" Connor was cut off when the door flung wide open revealing a woman probably in her 40's or 50's. She stared at me for awhile, and before i know it, she was already hugging me!

"Uhh.." I tried to find words but failed.

"Oh Stefanie! It really is you!" She exclaimed still in our hug.

The boys were staring at us, clearly confused just as i was.

"Well.. uhm.." I still can't find the right thing to say.

"Mom, you know her?" Connor asked. His mom pulled back, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm surprised you don't" She replied, wiping the tears away.

"What do you mean?" Riley asked.

"Am i the only one who thought Stef is very familiar?" Now, it was Toby. Well i'm sorry guys coz i have amnesia.

"Honey, do you know your whole name?" Their mom asked.

"No maam." I answered politely.

"Call me Aunt Joan. Your name is Stefanie Scott, your parents and i are best friends. Before they... died, i was given custody to you, but someone took you away. And just by looking at you dear, i know who. You don't have to worry anymore because you'll now be living with us" She said in a motherly tone. I let everything sink in for a while until Toby spoke up.

"I knew it! It was her! Hah! Beat that suckers!" He exclaimed before doing a weird dance.

"What. Are. You. Talking about?!" Riley asked clearly annoyed of knowing nothing.

"She's your childhood friend. Don't you remember singing with her while i play the piano?" So that was her! And her sons were them. Wow, this is just so overwhelming. But i'm lucky. Very lucky.

"I do" Connor suddenly spoke up.

"I also remember singing on a play with you. Do you remember?" He asked staring at me. I don't remember though, so i just shook my head.

Aunt Joan sighed and nodded.

"Honey, i want to fulfill your parents' will by taking care of you and giving you a normal life. So, i'll start all over again. I want you to choose, you come live with me and your Uncle Mark at our house and study, or stay here with them in this house. Since they're on a long break they could keep you company while you go to school. So, what do you say?" Oh wow. I just can't believe i have someone to go back to. I can feel happy tears. So they live separately with them. But this is still Orlando so...

"I think i'll..." I trailed off. I saw the three boys looking at me expectantly, and Riley's puppy dog eyes isn't really helping me. I heaved out a sigh.

"I'll stay with them." I told Aunt Joan, making the three cheer loudly. Aunt Joan just smiled at me and nodded. Then she turned to the boys looking at them seriously.

"I have my conditions. Connor, stay incharge of the house while we're not here. Since it's your break, i want you to drive Stef to school and pick her up. Use our extra account to shop for her clothes. No drinking for the four of you! I'll let your dad take care of her school papers." Aunt Joan started. I'm good with no drinking.

"Why does Connor have to always be in charge?!" Riley whined.

"Because i'm older!" Connor stated as a matter of factly.

"Ugh!" The two grunted. Aunt Joan and i just chuckled.

Well, this must be my fresh start. Starting from a new family. I'm now thanking God for not leaving my side.

I can feel that there's a lot more to this new life of mine.

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