Chapter 4 - Finding You

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Hi guys! Another update. So, the war is still on but not that dangerous. Still, i know they're gonna do a surprise attack. But anyways! Here's another chapter.

Oh and, a picture of Stef on the side -->

I'm pretty sure Exiters know her. She played the role of the girl on the music video of I Like That. :D

Hope you guys will like this chapter :)

- Ai :3


Connor's PoV

I wonder if she'll like this cake. I doubt that. We suck at baking, especially when working together with Riley. Us, successfully baking a cake? Never in our wildest dream. As i walk down the hall of the hospital, i can't help but remember how beautiful our voices blend together when singing with her. Her voice just sound so angelic and a bit... familiar.

"Good morning" I greeted the nurse who always brings Stef's medicines.

"Oh good morning to you too." She greeted back. I was about to leave when she called out my name again.

"Uhh. Sir, are you going to visit Ms. Stefanie?" She asked all of a sudden? Why? I always visit her. Why ask?

"Uhmm... yeah. I actually brought this cake for her and---" Before i could finish she interrupted me with a surprising news.

"She already left not long ago."

Force on my hands faded, and fear rushed through my veins. I dropped the cake and ran as fast as i could without not exactly knowing where to go. All i knew is, i have to find her.

Why would she leave like that?

Why didn't she even say goodbye?

Moreover, why is she making me feel scared like this?

I looked around, hoping i'd find a blondie anywhere but no luck. She's nowhere to be found. Why did we even leave her alone?! I have to tell Riley and Toby. They might get worried. I dialled Riley's number and after few rings he picked up.


"Riley! She left the hospital! I'm now looking for her"

"What?! Any luck?"

"No. Hey, i gotta go. Maybe she's around here somewhere"

"Ok. Toby and i will head there and help. Take care"

Then i hang up. Stefanie, why'd you have to be so troublesome? If you get harrased wherever you are, they'll kill me!

Where the hell are you?!


After running around, totally avoiding to be noticed by fans i still haven't found her. Was that it? After all the fun, she just left? Without saying goodbye? nor thank you?

Great. Just great.

Staring blankly down the concrete, i decided to go home and meet up with the boys. To our house, i'll be passing an empty park. Empty? I don't think so... I hear something...

Someone singing... a very familiar song...

"When the sun shines through my window,

I always think of you.

You've got the eyes of an angel,

you're every dream come true.

That night, goes through my head.

Three Words // Connor McdonoughWhere stories live. Discover now