Chapter 4

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Lexi's pov

Later that day I'm practicing combat with Nikki when Blake shows up. Blake is Nikki's stalker, following her everywhere. One time he even snuck into her room and kissed her while was sleeping, which made Nikki cast a spell so she can sense him.

"Nikki are you okay? I didn't kick you that hard did I?" I ask her after delivering a swift kick to her ribs that she could have easily blocked.

 "Yeah I'm fine." She replies without even breaking the evil glare she locked not so poor Blake in.

"Well I'm gonna go see what assignment uncle John has for us."

I walk into my uncle's study grab the paper with our assignments on it for the week. "Lexi tell your sister to not draw any attention to herself like last time"

"Okay Uncle John." I reply before rushing to my room to get ready for tonight.

At our last assignment I dance with this really hot guy, who we later found out had a psychotic ex who spilled her drink all over Nikki because she thought Nikki was me. Long story short the wh*re ended up at the hospital with a broken hand and few bumps and bruises.

Just as I'm starting to pick out my clothes and weapons for tonight I feel my sister walk into my room. "we're going to a club a few towns over. Apparently its very popular place for both the normal and the blood suckers." I state without turning around. "Uncle John said to behave tonight." We talked because we wanted to but like all witch twins in history we could communicate telepathically. She nods and leaves. Finally I find what I was looking for. I put on my black leather mini-skirt and a white cami. Grabbing my knee high stiletto boots and opening the secret compartment I store my weapons in one boot and legging in another so I can change if there is an emergency. I pull on my boots and send Nikki the address telepathically. I head to the garage while pulling on my leather jacket and grab my bike and I'm on my way.

When I arrive I find that the line is huge. It stretches down the the street and around the corner. Nikki finds me and we make away to the front of the line, as we walk I mumble an obedience spell, meaning that the bouncer will do whatever I want him to do.

"Can we come in?" I ask sweetly so that other people don't get the wrong idea. "Sure gorgeous." He replies in a daze. Nikki goes in first and I follow, the protest of the people in line following us until they're drowned out by the music. The inside of the club is the typical small town club. Nikki and I have been to the best clubs around the world in the last two years. Vampires love clubs since normals get so drunk they don't remember anything at all or think they hooked up with someone.

I put my shades back on because to make a spell work better you need to make direct eye contact with the subject. I turn to Nikki and say "Divide and conquer ." she heads to the bar and I head to the dance floor. I send a message to Nikki telepathically "put your shades on." Vampires can hypnotize you if they make direct eye contact with their prey. The sunglasses protect us from them in that aspect.

I look up and see HIM. HE is a normal but he was also my boyfriend for 6 months 3 years ago. I caught him kissing my sisters friend in our house. We've moved 3 times since then and I though I would never see him ever again. "Nikki guess who's here"

 "Who is it a blood sucker that got away last month?"

"Nope worse."



 "The bastard who cheated on you?"


 "Let's beat his a$$!"

 "No Nikki we have to stay below radar."

 "Fine" I continue to dance with a random guy that is now in front of me, when suddenly I'm turned around and now I'm facing Wren.

"Lexi is that you?" I'm shocked that he recognized me since I've changed a lot. When Wren and I dated I was more of a tomboy and now I'm a girly girl.

"Oh gosh you've changed!" he states taking my silence for a yes.

"Nice to see you again Wren." I say with more than a hint of sarcasm. He moved to take my shades of but I stop him. You never know who could be a blood sucker these days. They act so much like humans that its scary.

"Why do you wear sunglasses in a night club." He asks not minding his own business like always.

"Well it adds to the charm." I say sarcastically.

 "Are you in an abusive relationship?"

"The most abusive relationship I've ever had is the one I had with you."

 "How can I let you know that I'm really sorry and that I was a dumba$$ by letting a great girl like you get hurt?" Sincerity burns in his eyes but I've got a bigger problem to deal with at the moment.

"Nikki meet me by the exit by the bathroom" I let her now so that I can change and get my weapons out and ready

I cast a spell on the alarm so it doesn't go off when we open the emergency exit. Nikki joins me and nods at me as we both step together out into the night.


Lexi's bike on the side-->

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