Chapter 10

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Lexi's P.O.V.

The next day I return the paperwork to the secretary and again I have a feeling of déjà vu when I see her face. "Do you happen to know when volleyball tryouts are?" I ask Mrs. Mendez after shaking of the feeling.

"Today is the last day, maybe you can still tryout. It starts at noon and lasts a while. It's 11 now, go home gets some clothes and come back later. When you get back come here in to the office and ill show you where the gym is."

 "Thank you so much!" I say making my way over to the door. I hop on my bike and go to K-MART to buy a baggy shirt and some shorts.

I get back to the school and Mrs. Mendez shows me where the gym is. I enter the gym and see faces with curiosity written all over them. "Hi, I'm Lexi. Mrs. Mendez told me that I could still tryout for volleyball. I'll be a junior this year." I say introducing my self. I can see some skinny a$$ girls looking me over assessing if I was a threat to their position on the team. Some smiled and walked over to me.

"Hi I'm Sarahanne and I'm a setter."

"I'm Liz and I'm varsity captain and I play in the front row." In the next few minutes more girls came up to me to introduce themselves and state their position. "Okay girls," Liz starts getting our attention, "Start with 6 laps around the gym. Two lines." We form two lines and I jog around the gym some girls started out fast but got slower real fast but I decided not to show all I have during tryouts.

We form a circle and stretch our muscles. I notice that some of the girls aren't very flexible an others are super flexible and are obviously showing of. I settle in between the both. "Okay girls now I want you to get into 7 lines and take turns serving. I want to see under and over hand serves. When you serve go get your ball." the coach yells at us and I notice her for the first time.

I decide to introduce myself because I'm that nice. "Hi I'm Lexi." I state stretching my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Coach Renner, but just call me Coach. Now get back and I want to see you show me that deserve to be on my team." I turn around with a smile on my face. I know just how to get about any spot on the team.

I get I the back of the line until its finally my turn. I grab my ball and spin it once. I bounce it three times and bring my arm up to the top of my ponytail. Throwing the ball up into the air, I take the steps an hit the ball so that it lands just inside the corner. I have learned that this is the spot that no one can really get because you don't know whether its in or out of bounds. I jog to get my ball and get in the back of my line. Next time I under hand serve and get it in the same spot. I can see the coach getting interested. I keep getting the ball in the corners just barely inside but still in.

"Everyone but the new girl can take a break." The girls turn to look at my with pity in their eyes. "How can you make it into the same spot everytime? not even professionals can do that!" She exclaims.

"Practice?" I say with a shrug.

"Well you already have half a spot on the team show me some more of that talent of yours then you will have the spot of co-captain. Now go have a short break." I run off and make a beeline for my Gatorade. I take a small sip so I won't get cramps later.

I get back on the court and we get separated into 2 teams and I'm put in first position. Of course, the other side sees me getting ready to serve and I see the girls on the 5/1 positions move closer to the corners. So I aim and serve the ball so that it lands between the 1/6 positions. The ball hits the ground and my team mates high five me. For the next ten minutes the other team hasn't even touched the ball except to roll it back.

"Okay now the other team will serve and I want Lexi to switch with Sarahanne. I move to the setters spot and start putting my talent into the game. After a while both sides switch players. This goes on for a while and I loose myself in the game. "Now I need you to grab partners and control your bumps to each other." Coach says. I look up at the clock and see that it's already 3pm. I partner up with this girl who looked really shy but was decent on the court. "Hi my name is Alyssa, Alyssa Malot." She says in a shy whisper and I can sense her discomfort. "Well I'm Lexi." I say with a smile trying to ease her mind.

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