Chapter 6

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Lexi's P.O.V

I get up in the morning with a headache from the hit I took to the head but being a supernatural it was just a small throb. I throw on my clothes for school and leave without makeup or doing my hair. I know that I can just cast a spell which will make me look presentable.

I park my car and I can already tell that it was going to be a bad day. Some one else had the nerve to park in my spot. "Nikki do you know who parked in my spot" I ask my sister since she arrived earlier then me. "Nope" I find another parking spot but I swear that the bit*h who decided to park in my spot was going to pay.

Morning classes slowly pass and soon it's lunch. I hurry to the library to meet Nikki. "Hey Nikki" I whisper since we're in the library.

 "Lexi guess what?" she asks with a guilty expression on her face. I know that she's about to tell me something that she's been keeping from me for at least a few hours. Our link has been on mute since I asked her who parked in my space.

"Nikki you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah" she takes a deep breath. "Wrenisgoingtoschoolhere" she rushes together.

"WHAT????" I half shriek. Dammit I thought that last night was the last time I would ever hear of him.

"And I think there's a vamp in school." Now I'm in full freak out mode


I hear the Liberian coming this way so I quickly do a illusion spell. All she'll see is the image of Nikki and I studying and won't hear anything we say.

 "Okay now spill how you know both of these two problems?"

"I literally ran into Wren walking out of the office and I cast a sensing spell all over the school this morning and I felt when one of them entered the school. Now I don't know if its a student or a teacher but its more possible that its a student."

"Did you call uncle John yet?"

 "No I wanted to ask you first. Do you remember the first lesson that he gave us?"

"Where he told us not to trust anyone except each other?"

 " That's the one."

" Nikki where are you going with this?"

 "Lexi why don't we deal with this without the coven getting involved." I lift the spell and talk to Lexi about mundane things.


The bell rings and I shoot out of my seat. I have one more class to go to and then I'm done for the day. I walk into my last class and see someone in my seat. "Really first my parking space and then my desk?" I think to myself as I make my way over to the b!tch, the person turns around and I gasp.

"Wren? How? what? Why?" I manage to sputter out.

 "Hey Lexi! I'm new here maybe you could help me catch up!" Wren exclaims with enthusiasm. I can feel the other girls glare on my back.

"Get out of my seat!" I growl at him. I'm not really in the mood to deal with him today.

"But babe can't you see? We're meant to be."

"What the hell are you talking about?! Wren we are over get that through your thick head." I know that I'm causing a sene and that majority of the class is watching us. "If your in this class them I'm leaving." With that I turn around and walk out of the class room.

Knowing that I won't be able to calm down anytime soon I walk out of the school and into the schools parking lot. I climb into my car and leave the school property with my music on full volume. Since I don't feel like going home I drive around town for a few hours.

Finally I calm down and I head home. I sneak into the house and make my way to the basement. The house seem awfully quiet so I turn on the stereo only to hear one of my sisters CDs playing. Immediately I change it to my Adam Lambert CD. While trespassing plays I gear up and start to take my anger out on the bunching bag. "I" punch "hate" punch "my" punch "life"

"What is there to hate about your life?" I suddenly hear a male voice ask me. I turn around ready to drop kick whoever it is but I calm down when I see that it's only Blake. I don't know why Nikki doesn't like him. I mean sure he's a creep but he's a hot creep.

"Spill Blake what do you want?? If you want more advice on how to get my sister then you're out of luck buddy." I tell him while going back to my punching bag.

"Um I was looking for Nikki."

"Blake," I tell him while turning to look at him,

 " Nikki doesn't like you on a romantic way. You're like a brother to both of us."

 "Well I just wanted to ask her what the best way to ask a girl out was but since I found you I was going to ask you."

"So you aren't going to use what ever I say on Nikki?" "Of course not."

"Okay here is what you do............."

picture of wren on the side

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