Chapter 22

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Before I know it, it's Friday and a week since Nikki came back and almost a week since she left. The first few day I spent in my room crying but on Wednesday Xavier made me get up and go to school. Since Xavier and I both hadn't gone to school for two days without telling anyone, they all thought we were skipping.

I'm sitting in the lunch room waiting for Xavier to show up. Wanted by Hunter Hayes starts playing and I look around before noticing that it was my phone. I press my phone to my ear after seeing who it was.

"I found something out about your uncle." Xavier tells me.

" Where are you?" I ask him.

"At my coven headquarters but that's not the point want to know what I found out?"

"Please just tell me what it is."

"Well your mom is a full blooded witch but she had two soul mates making her a once in a life time anomaly. Your Uncle John was one of them an your father the other. Everyone thought she was going to pick your Uncle but she ending up choosing your father but before your dad was a vampire he was a witch too. Your dad and John were brothers." He tells me. I feel faint but I know I have to be strong. "Lexi, this isn't all. The coven council believes your uncle had a motive to have a part in their death."

I take a deep breath and I can see my friends giving me worried glances. "But if that's true why would he raise two defenseless twins?" I ask him.

 "Well it could be guilt or he decided to believe that, in his mind, you two were her daughters."

"It doesn't make sense. He found his soul mate and she died a year after they got married. Everyone knows that."

 "Maybe that girl was a mortal and he staged the death."

 "We'll talk about this later. Bye. Oh and don't forget the ice cream." I tell him.

"Bye babe love ya."

"Right back at ya!"

We hang up and I receive puzzled looks from the girls. "That was Xavier telling me about this vampire/witch/soulmate show we both watch. It's like The Vampire Diaries but more complicated." They nod and I feel relief flood through me. "So how about I plan the Halloween dance and you organize the tournament." I tell Liz and Kayla. I think of my favorite theme in the world and I know what the ball will be.

I get home and write down what I need to get started. I stay busy until Xavier comes over. He has his own keys and practically lives here. "Hey babe!" I say without looking up. But when he doesn't reply I put down my ward. Immediately I sense a dark thought but before I can do anything a cloth slips over my face and the world goes black.


I slowly open my eyes to see a bright light shinning down on me. I test the binds and find that they aren't too tight. Amateur. I try my powers and notice that it probably isn't a witch who kidnapped me since there are no power canceling spells on me.

I hear a door open and I close my eyes and go limp. "What did you give her? She's still under." I hear a voice say.

"Sorry it's just that she started waking up so I had to knock her out again." Another voice answers and I recognize this voice. I put down my wards and link myself to Xavier.

 "Xavier, I need help. Do a location spell. I don't know where I am." I tell him frantically.

"Okay, keep your ward up. Do you know who they are?" relief that I'm okay flooding his thoughts.

 "It's Wren."

"I'm going to kill him when I see him!!" "Xavier listen to me. I'm going to contact Nikki and she'll help you."


I slowly start to rise, pretending the whole time that I'm waking up. "Your finally awake. There's nobody to help you today princess. It took a long time of waiting for your boy toy to leave your side long enough for me to make my move." Wren continues his monologue but all I can concentrate on is Xavier's rage. "STOP!" I yell efficiently stopping Wren's ranting. "You're making him mad." I say.

"Him?? wow you guys really have a 'connection' if you can hear his voice in your head." And off he goes again.

"Lexi you're in his basement. I'm on my way. Love you." Xavier tells me and I sigh.

Time passes and I hear Wren come down. He's carrying a tray with food. "Can you untie me please? I cant exactly eat with my arms tied behind my back." I ask sweetly. His face looks shocked and I break free of the ropes. I punch him in the stomach but its weak compared to my normal ones. Wren gets up and presses a red button. Immediately two big burly guys storm into the basement. They both grabb me and i struggle to the best of my ability, but I'm weakened from the mind link i've kept up with Xavier for a few hours now. The biggest guy backhands me and i stop struggling. they tie me up again, but this time tighter than before.

Time passes and I can see the sun rising from one of the basement windows. I'm glad that today is Saturday so that i dont have to miss more school. Wren comes into the basement room he's holding me in. I wonder, not for the first time, what is taking Xavier so long? I drift in and out of consciousness before I hear a commotion from upstairs. The big guys leave to check what's going one. I hear grunting, thumping, and banging coming from upstairs. Footsteps start pounding on the starts, getting louder with every step. Wren gets up an perks out the door.

He curses loudly and runs to where I am. He grabs my face with his hands and pulls my face roughly. Just as the door bursts open, he crashes his lips to mine, kissing me forcefully. My eyes widen and I thrash with fear. We all know how this ends, the girl ends up r@ped. Suddenly Wren is off me and I hear sobbing. Xavier quickly unties me. "Shush, it's all over. The coven is on its was and they'll erase all memories of today and of you." I realize that this nightmare is over and and that the sobs are coming from me. I bury my face into Xavier's chest as he caries my limp body out of Wrens house. Looking up I see the sun about to set and a couple of witches walk into the house. Next thing I know I'm waking up to a beautiful autumn sunrise.

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