Chapter 8

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Lexi's P.O.V.

" Uncle John, where is Nikki?" i ask after helping Blake with his girl problems. I swear guys are so clueless most of the time.

 "Lexi she went on a trip."

"Could you tell me where she went? I have something really important to tell her but she wont answer her phone and she's shutting me out."

"Sorry hun but she didnt even tell ME. Why dont you just leave her alone for a few hours and then she'll open up to you or answer your calls."

I go upstairs a bit upset that she won't open up to me but I know that Uncle John is right. I'm getting ready to take a shower when i feel the barrior that she put up move just enough that i can hear what she wants me to know but nothing else.

"Lexi I'm sorry, I'll explain everything when and if i come back, please dont be mad."

"If?! Nikki what do you mean if?!?! Nikki you better spill now!" I say but it's no use she's already shut me out again. I throw a book across the room and it seems to un bottle the furry and anger that I'm feeling inside. I kick, scream, and throw random things until all my energy is gone. I slide down against the wall and cry. My bedroom door opens slowly.

"Lexi why don't you take a break. I'll call you in sick tomorrow while you decide where you want to go."

 "Uncle John can I move somewhere else for the rest of the semester. I'll stay with an old friend."

 "Fine but just for those 3 or four months." He leaves my room and I reach for my phone and send a text to one of my best friends in the world (aside from Nikki of course).

I take a shower after all the arrangements are made and I start to pack. I pack light since I'll don't have winter clothes. I grab my special suitcase for all my weapons and put a spell on it so that it'll just look like more clothes when humans looked at it. I go to sleep with a smile on my face.


I wake up to my alarm and a quickly get out of bed and change. I grab my suit case and head out the door. Uncle John is waiting in the pick up truck with my bike in the back. "What is my bike doing in the back?"

" Well I know how much you love it so I arranged it so that you could take it with you."

"Thanks I love you so much!!!" I squeal since I'm going to be able to take my bike. Either way I was going to get a new one if I couldn't take mine. By now we are at the airport and it's timed for me to get on the private jet. I'm flying to Ohio on the jet and then taking a commercial flight the rest of the way.

"Miss we have arrived at Ohio." The stewardess says while shaking me awake gently. I must have fallen asleep. I flash her a smile and get up and exit the jet. I make my way to the public part of the airport and I board the other plane. Vivianna doesn't know exactly how wealthy we are. She just believes that we are slightly upper middle class.

Arriving at the airport I immediately spot my friend. Her sister Jessica is standing right next to her. "Hey strangers" I call out my greeting as I reach them.

 " Hey girl!"

 " I brought my bike so can you guys take my suit case and I'll meet you guys at your place?"

"okay sure." they both agree before absorbing what I just said. Then the light bulb goes off in Vivianna's head.

" You brought a motorcycle on a plane?!?!?!?" she yells at me, "How is that even possible?"

" Lets just say the pilot owed my uncle a few favors and my uncle decide to cash them."

"Damn girl!" Jessica exclaims finally registering what I said.

I walk out of the airport and I see my precious bike waiting for me. I hop on and leave people staring after me.


On my way to Vivanna's house I stop at the high school I was going to enroll in. Its in the next town over from where i'm going to be staying but it means more time on my bike every morning and I had already gone to that school and nothing exciting ever happened there.

"Hi, I would like to enroll here for the 2013/2014 school year. Where can i get the paper work?" I ask the secretary in the office.

"Here let me find the papers for you honey. Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Alexandria but everybody knows me as Lexi."

" Okay well here are the papers have your gaurdian fill them out and bring them in by noon tomorrow and we can get your schedule set up. The first day of school is September 2nd. If you ever need anything call this number and ask for Mrs. Mendez, thats me."

 "Okay thank you Mrs. Mendez." I say with a wave as I leave the office. For some reason her name rings a bell but last time tht i remember that we were here was when Nikki and I were in 6th and 7th grade and we never went to this school that I remember. I hop on my bike and make my over to the Macias farm.

Driving through town I see some familiar faces from 4 years ago. I smile as i see some kids my age turn to look at my red and black bike. I find my way to Vivianna's house/ farm and i see that she has already arrived from the airport. "Hey do you guys have a fax machine?" i ask with a smile.

" No but the library has one. Why do you need one?" Jessica asks since Vivianna had to to feed Coco, the cow, and her dogs.

"Its so my uncle can fill out the forms so I can go to school here and fax them to the high school."

"Oh. Are you going to school here or Richmond?"

"I'm going to Richmond, if i like it I'll stay if I don't then I"ll switch. Well i'm going to make my way to the library I'll be back later. I put the papers in my purse and hop on my bike and make my way over to the library.

I arrive at the library and feel the eyes on me as I take my helmet of. I walk into the library and its still exactly as I remembered it small and cozy with book selves stuffed with books. I go up to the circulation desk and tell the librarian to what number I want to fax the papers. I pay and turn around ready to leave when I bump into someone. The girl looks about my age. She has red curly hair and is slightly shorter then me. Realization hits me that this is an old friend of mine. "Ashlee?" I ask just to make sure. "How do you know who I am?" she asks back. I give her a hug and she hugs me back awkwardly. "Ashlee it's Lexi." I say because I can see she is still as confused as ever. Her mouth forms an O and she gasps.

 "OMG Lexi, I didn't even recognize you. You've changed A LOT. You have to tell me everything but one thing first, are you back for good or just visiting?"

"Well I'm enrolling at Richmond high for the year but then I'm moving back."

"Why don't you go back to Memphis? are we not good enough for you?" she stares a little angrily now.

" No that's not it it's just that I try not to go to the same school twice, sorry." I explain. "Well I have to go now and call my uncle so I can make sure he gets the papers. He is very forgetful." With that I leave the library and hop on my bike and make my way over to Vivianna's house.

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