Chapter 30

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I see two silhouettes surrounded by a blinding white light walking towards me. Usually i would panic but somehow their presence calms me. I start to walk toward them and the smaller more feminine sihouette opens her arms as if wanting me to run and give her a hug. I walk slowly toward her and the man and as I get closer, I see familiar features start to take place. Soft, milky brown eyes, dark brown almost black hair, she looks excactly like in the picture I carry around with me. She's even wearing the same clothing. I turn over to the man and I see that he also looks the same as in the picture.

"Mom, Dad? Where am I?" I ask.

"Honey you need to wake up, your sister is getting worried about you. You don't belong here." My mom tells me. I can't help but notice that her voice sounds like I always imagined it to sound like. 

"Lexi, tell your sister that we are proud of you both. You have uncovered the truth without any magic. For that I have to tell you that my vampiric father was the king before he was overthrown by the current king. Honey, You and Nikki are the heirs to the vampiric throne." My father tells me but its like i knew all along. 

"Mom how could you choose Dad over John?" i ask because I'm curious and i want to tell Nikki how mom did it.

"If you love someone and you fall in love with another, pick the second, because if you truly loved the first then you wouldn't have fallen in love with the other." My mom says and i can hear the wisdom in her words.

"Honey you have to go give your old man and mom a hug. Remember that we'll always be there for both of you even if you can't see, hear, or sense, us."  My dad whispers to me as i give him the second and last hug I will ever give him.

Thanks to Uncle John, Nikki will never be able to give them hugs, kisses, or hear their voices.

Dad lets go of me and they both turn around and walk into the white light that they walked out of, hand in hand. I feel my body jerk toward the darkness and I see what looks like me, surrounded by all the people I care about.

Xavier looks like he hasn't slept in a while and even Alex is there, Holding Nikki's hand. Curiosity is burning in me and I reach over to touch my own hand. As i make contact, I feel a snap, and I'm back in my body. 

I can feel Xaviers hand in my own and i try to squeeze his hand to reassure him. I hear a gasp and some shouting but i can't make out the words. I open my eyes just in time to see Jace, Alex, And Nikki leave the room. 

"Hey do you need anything?" Xavier asks me quietly.

"Nope, you're all i need." I whisper at him and I see him give me a small smile. 

"What's the last thing you remember?"

" I remember hearing a gunshot and then seeing you, Jace, and Nikki, come into the room and the rest is all black." I tell him. I notice that my throat is extremely dry. "Can i have some water please?" 

"Yeah Nikki went to get you some, she'll be back any second now." 

The door opens and Nikki walks in with a glass of water. 

"Xavier, I need to talk to Nikki...alone." I tell him. For some reason I can't tell him about my dream or Out of body thing whatever you want to call it. Anyways I want to talk to Nikki about it and then we'll decide if we want to tell anyone else this.

Xavier walks out and I bind the door shut and sound proof the room. We can still hear the outside but they can't hear us.

"Nikki how long was i out?" I ask

"Tomorrow would be a month."

"It felt like I only talked to them for a few minutes at the most. I bet that those minutes were actually days and the time I was watching was also  hours instead of seconds." I start rambling. 

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