Chapter 7

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After I told Lexi what I needed to tell her I knew that she would be pissed so I stayed away from the house.

I drove around the town and stopped at a park. I had a lot on my mind. I hadn't completely told Lexi everything and I felt bad. I had sensed a supernatural but I didn't tell her that I knew who that supernatural was.

I went to go sit on the swings. I just needed to get away for a while. After a while I decided to just call uncle John. I took my phone out and found him in my contacts. I hesitate for a moment but I knew that I had to leave. I pressed the call button and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Nikki is something wrong?"

"No I just called to ask you if its alright if I left for a while, I promise that the longest I'll only be gone is a week tops."

"Sure Nikki its fine, are you sure your alright though."

 "Yeah I'm sure."

"Well ok, you have money in your account and I'll inform your teachers that your sick."

 "Thank you and uncle if Lexi asks where I am, can you just please tell her you sent me to go get some training or you sent me on an assignment or something."

"Will do." Then the phone call ends.

I do the next thing I thought I would never be doing again. I pull up a number I thought I wouldn't call. I feel my hands shaking and my hands start to sweat.

I was surprised I hadn't dropped it yet. I pressed the call button and surprisingly the phone is in service. I could hear my heart pounding as I waited for the one thing that would confirm everything. I hear someone pick up. By now my head feels like its going to explode. Than I hear a voice I thought was gone forever, "Nikki." I feel all the air go out of my body. Then I hear the line go dead.

He's still here. That's all I could think of as I got back to my motorcycle climbed on top and started it. I knew it was him the first time I had sensed him at school. I thought I was just going out of my mind but I was wrong. He was still alive or so to speak, but he was one of them now.

As the wind whipped my hair behind me. All the memories came crashing down of the guy who was two years older than me. Of when we first met how he had tried everything to get me to notice him. The day we danced in the rain and he kissed me for the first time. Then the bad memory came crashing, the night I got a phone call to tell me that he was dead. He can't be alive. Some how while all of these memories ran through my head I started to cry.

I don't know if I was crying for the girl who had fallen in love for the first time or for the guy who had tried everything to make me happy and died in the end. Because in a way he was dead now. I think I was crying for everything. Alex was alive well in some twisted way he was. It had been two years since the day I had gotten the call. The same day I had last seen him. I had no idea where I was going to start looking for him.

Lexi never talked about him or mentioned him like I asked her to. She was the only person who knew about Alex and me. She knew I was strong but if anyone mentioned the name Alex I would flinch. She knew enough that, that was a touchy subject for me.

I was crying so hard I had to pull over on the side of the road or I thought I would crash. I was to busy crying that I didn't notice my phone vibrating. It was an unknown number. I picked it up. "Meet me where we first met, I promise I'll explain everything." Then the line went dead again. It was him. Now I knew where to go. I knew where I could find him.

By now the sun had started going down. I stopped crying somehow his voice had managed to calm me down this time.

I got back on my motorcycle and drove fast to the airport not putting up a spell or caring if I got pulled over. I was too shocked to care.

When I got to the airport I told them get my uncle's private jet ready. I put a spell on the captain so he wouldn't tell my uncle where I told him to take me.

I was going back to Michigan. To the small town where I met him. I had never told Alex my secret. I wonder if he had found out now, that he was one of them. One of the undead.

As we were being cleared for take off I could feel Lexi trying to open up the walls I had put up in my mind to keep her out. I had to do this alone. I had to go see him. Even if that ment putting myself in danger.

I had spent two years forgetting him and in one day all those memories came crashing back.

I opened up the walls just for a moment. "Lexi I'm sorry, I'll explain everything when and if I come back, please don't be mad."

 "If?! Nikki what do you mean if?!?! Nikki you-" I cut her off and put the walls back up. I could feel her trying to push through but I couldn't let her get through. I couldn't put her in danger and I didn't want her to try and convince me not to see him.

The plane was in the air by now and I decided to get up and go take some Advil. All of the day's events was causing me to have a huge headache. I went into one of the bedrooms on the plane and tried to sleep. It would be two hours before the plane reached its destination.

Two of the longest hours of my life.

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