Chapter 19

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I didn't know what to do so I did the one thing I could think of. I teleported myself back to Alex's house.

This cannot be happening. I want to finish school and......OH MAN! I was freaking out.

When you find your soul mate you become linked to him and gradually he can read your thoughts and you can read his.

Some are instant connections and others take time to develop the connection and know if your soul mates. Some how you both grow stronger after you've done the dirty deed. Together with my mate I'd become unstoppable.

You share everything just like you would in a normal relationship, but for pete's sake I still get embarrassed talking about my period when I go to the doctors. How am I supposed to share my thought with him, I've only had Lexi in my head and even she thinks I'm crazy.

I wasn't ready for the dirty deed either. Usually after you've met your soul mate you complete the damn deed and become stuck together forever. I don't like commitment. I'm too crazy to be tied down! But mine was a vampire how in the world was that going to work out. How can he be my soul mate. I started freaking out again and pacing around back and forth. I was pretty sure when I was done pacing the floor would have track marks from pacing back and forth.

I started packing I had to leave before Alex came. Good thing he stayed with his dad but for all I know Alex could have my scent on him and my soul mate could track me using Alex. I needed time to think, I needed Lexi. Maybe she would know what I should do. I also needed to tell her the truth and what I had found out.

I got outside with my bags. I get on my motorcycle and put a spell on my bags to make them invisible and follow me.

I forget about finding Lexi, tonight I need to get away from Alex's house and find a hotel to sleep for the night. I use a spell to hide my scent and trail. Alex or my so called mate cannot find me. I need to figure some things out. I had left a note for Alex making up an excuse that my uncle needed my help and I'd be gone for a couple of weeks. I hope he bought it.

After traveling for an hour I finally decided to stop at a hotel and get some rest. I checked in and got a room key. Once I got in I practically hit the floor from how tired I was.

When I woke up it was already two in the afternoon. I got up and showered. I quickly changed. I put on my shades not bothering to put on make up. I checked out and payed with cash.

I got on my motorcycle and drove to a secluded area. I got off and walked a bit into the forest nearby. I found a good spot and I sat down and started to cast a strong spell to locate Lexi. As I was about to end the spell I saw the invisible trail that would lead me to Lexi. I got on my motorcycle and started to follow it.

I drove fast breaking some speed limits. When I drove by the cops I made myself invisible. As I got closer to Lexi things started to become familiar until I remembered I had been here before.

I finally reached the end of the trail. I saw a girl walking out of the house where Lexi was supposed to be. I watched her drive away and than I finally walked up to the door a bit nervous since I hadn't told her the truth and I had ignored her.

I knocked on the door. On the other side I could sense her coming to the door. As she opened the door I saw her eyes widen in shock,"Nikki!" Then she just fell but before she could hit the floor someone caught her from behind.

I came in as I saw the guy that i had seen catch Lexi, taking Lexi into the living room and set her down on a couch. By the way he gently set Lexi down I could tell that he was something more that just a friend with my sister. I could tell he cared about her which set my mind at ease and know she had actually been fine while I had been worrying about her.

After he set her down he came up to me, "hi, I'm Xavier and Lexi's friend." We shook hands. "Hi I'm Nikki and as you can tell I'm her sister." It was when our hands connected that I felt power surging through him. I didn't know what to say so I walked to Lexi's side to make sure she was fine. I got on my knees next to her.

"I'm sorry I came out of the blue all of a sudden but I really need your help Lexi." I whispered to her knowing that there was a chance she wouldn't hear what I said. But hoping she possibly would.

"Maybe I could help you. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but over hear what you said to Lexi." "Its alright and maybe you can, considering your a witch as well." His eyes widen for the briefest of moments and quickly went back to normal which told me he seemed surprised that I could tell what he was. "Ok, lets go into the kitchen so we can talk more privately."

I followed him to what I assumed would be the kitchen. I felt a bit awkward following him. As you can tell I'm not so good with meeting new people.

"Ok so tell me the problem from the beginning, " said Xavier. I studied him for a moment hesitating if I should really tell a stranger I've never met everything that has been happening.

Finally I decided the heck with it. So I told him about Alex and how I hadn't told Lexi. I told him that I had been staying with Alex even though he wasn't my soul mate, I cared about him. I told him of the strange behavior I had exhibited from Alex. I told him of seeing the weapons. I told him of the call and following Alex. About finding out who Alex's father is. Than of my roaming around in the palace. I looked at the floor when I told him about attacking someone who was able to see me even though I had my spells up. Than finding out that he was my soul mate and me leaving because I had freaked out.

I looked up at him only to see him ready to burst out laughing," its not funny," I whined.

"Yes it is who freaks out and vanishes in front of their soul mate."

"He was a vampire, I'm a witch I can't have a vampire as a soul mate. We're enimes, we're supposed to hate each other." At this he seemed to stop laughing. "You mean you don't know?"

 "Don't know what?"

He starred at me in shock. "Stop looking at me like that and tell me." After a couple of moments he seemed to snap out of it.

"Its possible for a witch to have a vampire soul mate, but it means that one of your parents was also an undead. That also means that you and Lexi are half vampires."

"What are you talking about Lexi and I aren't half vampires. Our uncle would've told us. At least I think he would," I said second guessing myself.

"I've been trying to tell Lexi but I haven't gotten around to it. Promise me you won't tell her. I want to be the one to tell her."

"I promise."

"Ok there's also something else you should know." I stayed quiet waiting for him to go on.

"If you have a full blooded vampire soul mate than somewhere out there you also have a witch soul mate. Somewhere down the line you will have to pick which one you want to be with for the rest of eternity." I let the words sink in.

After the shock I started to mentally slap myself. How could this be happening?! I already thought one was bad enough. Wait! He also said eternity not the rest of my life. Oh yeah forgot I'm a half vampire which means I'll have to live forever with the guilt that I broke one of my soul mates hearts. I started to slap myself even harder mentally. Maybe becoming a candle holder chandelier didn't sound so bad anymore.

Than I heard movement coming from the living room. I walked over there with Xavier following close behind. We came upon a disoriented Lexi who seemed a bit surprised to see Xavier and I together.

Remember Nikki don't tell her about the half vampire thing I mentally reminded myself before I started walking over to Lexi.

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