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Lana Jefferson.

8:13 am.

"Where were you last night between 1 am and 3 am?"

"I was at home, in bed, like I said before."

"Can anyone prove that?"

"Yes, my three other roommates who you have in the next rooms."

"Miss Jefferson I understand you're upset-"

"Upset? You dragged us here at 5 am in the morning asking us if we killed our roommate and dumped her burnt body in our pool. Do you think we're that stupid, officer?"

After a long pause he finally answered.

"You're free to go. Oh and miss Jefferson?"

"Yes?" I answered coldly.

"Don't leave town."

5 Hours Earlier.

April 28 2016.

Knock knock.

"It's 5 am in the morning on a Saturday who the fuck is that?!" Colton said coming down the stairs rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, as were we.

"Who is it?" Bethany asked.


"Open it." I said.

"Hello miss."

"Hi officer, can we help you?"

"Bethany Hale?" The officer asked Beth and she nodded.

"Yes this is she, what's this about?"

"Bethany Hale, Liam Martin, Lana Jefferson and Colton Perkins?"

"Yes can we help you?" Liam asked putting an arm around his girlfriend.

"You need to come outside."

"We're not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on officer..." I trailed off.

"Detective. Keegan. Follow me, you need to see this."

And without another word we followed officer, excuse me, detective Keegan to our backyard, where our house pool was. It was surrounded by police officers, and yellow caution tapes were surrounding the whole pool.

"What is all this?" Colton asked.

"See for yourself." Detective Keegan said.

As we approached the pool step by step very slowly, an image that will haunt us all forever unraveled in front of us. The pool was covered in red, we didn't need clarification to know that it was blood, but the black body in the water was what traumatized us. It was burnt, the body of a person we didn't know who, not yet anyways, but I had a feeling it had something to do with us.

"I'm afraid you're familiar with the body."

We were all too shocked to speak. Bethany had her faced burried in Liam's chest, Colton was watching the crisped body being dragged out of the red pool and I, I was trying to make sense of all this.

"Who, who is she?" I asked.

"We don't know for sure yet, we haven't run the tests, but I'm guessing she's your roommate." Keegan answered.

"What?" Bethany asked tears streaming down her face.

"Your next door neighbor saw it from her window upstairs and called us."

"Who did this?" Colton asked.

"That's what I was gonna ask you."

"Are you suggesting we killed her?" I snapped.

"For now, you're our only suspects, considering she was found in your pool."

I couldn't get that image out of my head, it was burnt, crisped and dumped in our pool, our pool. It couldn't be our roommate.
Jessie Louis was not a very talkative person, she was quiet, she didn't have any friends in school, she was always seen studying, reading a book on campus. She never talked to us, she left in the morning and came back around 9 at night and locked herself in her room. We tried to be friends with her, but she wouldn't let us talk, she would shut us out.
Why would anyone want to kill her? I couldn't understand.



"We have to go." Colton said.


I went up to my room, put on whatever I could find and followed the police to the station.

"It couldn't be Jessie could it?"

"She didn't come home last night L." Bethany said.

"Alright guys, just don't lie okay answer whatever they ask, we have nothing to hide we didn't do anything wrong. Just tell them what they want to know." Liam advised us as he parked the car.

"I'm gonna throw up. I can't get that image out of my head." Bethany said.

"Babe just calm down, we're innocent." Liam rubbed her back.

"It's not about being innocent or guilty Liam, there was a dead burnt body in our pool, and she could be our fuckin roommate. How can we go back there and pretend like it never happened?"

She was right, it's not gonna be easy going back to the house, every time we see that pool, the body is gonna pop into our minds, how can anyone be sure that we're safe after something like that has happened, what if the person who did it comes back for us?!

2 Hours Later.

"Can we please speak to detective Keegan?" Colton asked the reception lady.

"I'm here Mr. Perkins you seem impatient to give your statement."

"I don't have any statement to give. We've been here for two hours, we've got things to do."

"Such as?"

"Exams are coming up, we need to study." I chimed in.

"The body has been identified." Keegan informed us. "Thought you might like to know."

The looks we gave each other were ones we hadn't shared before.

Present time.

8:43 am.

"Alright let's all be honest. Did any of you did it?" Liam asked once we stepped in the house.

"What? No Liam none of us did it, maybe it was you." I yelled.

"Shut the fuck up Lana I'm just making sure."

"You don't get to ask your friends if they killed their roommate."

"Guys calm the fuck down!" Colton silenced us. "We're all freaked out but we can't turn on each other."

"I can't be here." Bethany started crying.

"This is not gonna look good at my interview on Monday." Liam said running his hand through his hair.

"For fuck's sake Liam, Jessie is dead and that's all you can think of?!" I yelled at him once again.

"You wanna prove yourselves innocent? I say we take matters into our own hands." Colton said.

We all looked at him not following what he was getting at and finally Bethany asked him what he meant.

"I'm saying let's do our own investigation, find who the hell killed Jessie and prove ourselves innocent."


A/N : Hey Guys this is a new story I'm starting once I finish The Year. This is a little filler of what it's gonna be about. I'm gonna slowly gonna update until my other story is finished then I'm fully committing to this one. So Vote Comment Follow and let me know what you think. Love y'all ❤

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