Return of Emma

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Evan's POV:

Warm air blows across my neck, soft-sweet smelling hairs tickle my chin, smiling to myself I pull back to look at her face.
She's still lost in slumber, her lips parted slightly, chest rising and falling with each slow breath. She is so beautiful. Part of me is torn between letting her sleep, while the other half wants to kiss her awake; I go with the second option.

Maneuvering around until I'm face to face with her, I lean in but right before our lips meet a new idea pops into mind, I slowly lick her top lip then capture it between both my lips sucking lightly. A groan rumbles in her throat, I pull back with a slight chuckle when she tries to chase my lips, I repeat the movements same as before although this time I am met with her half asleep (Y/E/C) eyes.

"Hey. I whisper softly. Without a word her lips seize mine, in a roll I pull her on top of me, hands on her hips.
Lips are bit, tongues dance, whimpers intermingled with groans fill the air. When we finally pull away we are both panting with eyes locked on one another's. It amazes me how good kissing my best friend feels and how much I want to keep kissing her even though we are both having trouble breathing at the moment.

My eyes follow her tongue across her swollen lower lip, I feel my tongue mimic her actions on my own lip. A blush forms slightly across her cheeks, "not a bad way to wake up" she giggles. Her lips find mine again, our hands linked on either side of my head, she begins pulling away after a few breathless minutes with me following her until I'm sitting up, she's in my lap her legs wrapped around my waist.

Hot kisses trail across my jaw to my neck, a small moan leaves me when she sucks a mark into my pulse point, her back is warm and smooth under my palms as they find their way under her shirt.
Her tongue skims up my neck on her way to wrap her lips around my earlobe, I moan her name as she tugs it gently with her teeth. "Can I take your shirt off?" She breathes in my ear, with a quick tug it's off and in the floor, her fingertips trail over my pecs to the waistband of my pajama pants then back up.

Air moves past my lips in small puffs, my head falls back, my eyes slam closed; the sensation of her lips, teeth and tongue on me is intoxicating to say the least.

I huff in annoyance at my now ringing phone, I think about ignoring it but it could be work so with a quick apologetic kiss to her; I snatch it up without looking at the caller ID.
"Evan? Hey...umm it's Emma." The phone almost dives into the covers at the sound of her voice.
"H-hey. What's up?" (Y/N)'s brows furrow in a questioning look, "I'm ok." I mouth, she doesn't seem convinced but heads for the door "be in here" she whispers motioning to the living room disappearing through the door.

"I just...God I miss you Evan. I want to know if you would want to give us another try?" Now I'm smiling like an idiot to the empty room, I start to answer her when suddenly I remember what just transpired between me and (Y/N).


What the hell am I going to do? Part of me wants Emma back, although an equally measured part of me wants to have this new adventure with my best friend. I have to say something to Emma, I can't leave her waiting. I say the only thing that comes to mind; "I'll have to think about it."

"Okay Evan that's fine. I understand, take all the time you need. I'll be here waiting. I love you."
"I love you too."
"Talk to you later."

Five minutes later (Y/N) reappears on the bed next to me. "You ok?" Her fingers run through my hair soothingly while I just stare at the wall.
"Emma wants me back." I blurt out of nowhere. Her hand stills, she's quiet enough that my eyes snap to her; searching her face for how she's feeling.

"Babe?" Crap she won't look at me. Her hand starts to move away but I snatch it pressing a kiss to her wrist before tugging on it gently in an attempt to make her look my way.

Finally after forever being silent she speaks; "I'll be out of your hair by tonight" with that she jerks her wrist away exiting the room. I scramble up after her, only barely manage to not trip over the blankets pooling around my ankles, before managing to slam the door with our bodies. Moving back only enough to spin her around with her back to the door, I try to catch her eyes.
"Babe please don't go. Please. I'm sorry I'm just confused about what I want. Please don't leave. When her eyes finally meet mine the hurt in them almost brings me to my knees, "you know you'll pick her Evan. She's the love...of your life. She's everything you've ever wanted. She makes you happy Evan. I-I'm not going to stand in your way of being happy."

I'm too stunned to react when she pushes me away and bolts out the door.

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