Chapter Five: No Going Back

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Tugger hadn't hurt this bad in a long, long time. 

"Tugger, I need you."

"You're all I've got right now."

"You're the only one I trust..."

He never thought he'd hear Misto say these words. Not to him anyway. Maybe he did like him...? Even the tiniest bit...

But that wasn't what mattered right now. The tom's mind was made up, and there was nothing he could do to change it. Tugger knew he had two choices; leave Misto to face Macavity alone, or go with him and help fight for Etcetera. In all honesty, he hadn't been too involved in this whole thing with the kitten, and he hadn't even tried to find out where he'd taken her or why. When he thought about it, it didn't make sense. Why Etcy, a cat he didn't even know? What was the point in that? Tugger had only been a kit when his brother ran away, but even he knew that Macavity didn't just kidnap for the sake of it; he wanted something. What it was, he had no idea, but they had to find out. The sooner they find the kitten, the sooner we can bring her home and Misto will be safe. This was what mattered the most to him. He couldn't let Misto get hurt, and he'd throw his life away in a heartbeat to save his. He didn't like to think it would come to that, but he couldn't underestimate his brother's iniquity. Thankfully Tug had never been unfortunate enough to actually face Macavity, but this meant he was at an immediate disadvantage. He couldn't afford to be cautious; the only choice was to go right in and fight for what they wanted. Now Tugger was no fighter, and he knew this, but the truth was he'd never actually tried. He was always play fighting Munkustrap even now, and he had a pretty decent set of claws on him. His fangs were razor sharp and he was much more muscular and well built than the other cats, so what could be so bad? He'd be better than Mistoffelees, that was for sure. He'd get crushed in a second if it wasn't for his magic. Which reminded him, why hadn't Misto been using it recently? It had been weeks since anyone had seen him do a single trick, and when Victoria had asked to see one he seemed really shy and nervous. Tugger wanted to talk to him about it, but he wasn't good at stuff like that, and he figured if Misto was going to confide in anyone it wouldn't be him. 

He'd been trying for as long as he could remember to get Misto's attention, and while there were times where it felt like he might finally be interested, he pulled back again. Like he was scared or something. What was there to be scared of? Tugger was the least scary cat around. At least he thought so...

He shook his head and sighed a little, feeling lost and confused. Only Misto had the ability to make him feel like a weak little kitten again. He hated it. He started to groom himself gently and fixed his collar before going after Misto. 

"Hey," he mewed softly as he reached the small black cat, who was sitting talking to Demeter at the crates. Demeter eyed him up suspiciously and flattened her ears, but he just ignored her. The two had never liked each other. Misto turned round and looked a little surprised when he saw the Maine coon standing there. 

"I don't know where he'll be, but I'll work something out. I'm taking you," he said firmly, not breaking eye contact with Mistoffolees. The younger tom's eyes widened and a smile spread like wildfire across his face. 


Demeter interrupted before anything else could be said. 

"What are you talking about?" she growled, the hostility in her voice unmistakable. 

"I'm not letting him go on his own." 

"He's not. He's going with me."

Tugger couldn't help scoffing. "With you? You can't even stand the sound of his name! What use are you gonna be?"

Demeter's hackles raised and she unsheathed her claws, but Misto stood between the two cats.

"Tug, shut up! We know how to get Etcetera back, but we can't do it without Demi." 

Tugger relaxed a little and and raised an eyebrow, signalling him to go on. 

"I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? He's using Etcy to get to Demi. Maybe Bomba too. The only way to get her back is to trick him into trading." 

Tugger looked confused. "I don't get it," he said blankly.

"Of course you don't," Demeter muttered, rolling her dark eyes. Tugger flashed his gleaming white fangs and shot her a glare. 

"Right, it doesn't matter," Misto went on. "You'll just have to trust me. Will you take us to him?"

Tugger nodded. What was he getting himself into? All he knew was there was no going back now. 

I love how everyone just assumes Tugger's a great fighter but he's never actually been in a fight. Unless you count bitch fight bc he's a sassy drama queen. If you can't tell Demi and Tug hate eachother. Thanks for reading! :3 xxx

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