Chapter Sixteen: Midnight Thoughts

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Enclosed with the bars of the park, all the cats felt safe. The gate had since been closed by a passing human so no Pekes or Pollicles could find their way in. The park was a neat little square of grass with a slide, swings, and a cluster of small trees in one corner. The sky was black and the air was cool, the world was silent. The cats were shaken and frightened, but for now they were together, and this was what mattered the most.

 Demeter climbed smoothly up one of the trees and crouched in the branches, closing her eyes and losing herself in thought. She wouldn't think of Him tonight. Yes, Etcy had still not been found, but they were doing the best they could. For the first time in years, Demeter fell into a gentle sleep free from nightmares or fear. 

Bobalurina sat at the base of the tree protectively and shut her eyes too. She was exhausted. She thought of Tugger as she drifted in and out of sleep. He had been acting different since they'd set out. Like something was bothering him. She wanted to talk to him about it, but she knew he would never confide in her. She wished she could get his interest, but he'd made it clear they were never to be anything more than friends. This hurt her, but she had to force herself to move on. It was going to be hard; after all, he was the most gorgeous cat she'd ever laid eyes on, but she didn't have a choice. She'd only end up getting hurt. She thought of earlier when they'd been hiding from the Pollicle dog. How Tugger had been so proud of Misto for fighting back, how he'd been so quick to rush and help him with his injury. She was sure she'd seen the golden-black tom grooming Misto earlier, but she hadn't said anything. Everyone knew Tugger thought Misto was amazing, but only now did it occur to Bombalurina that maybe there was more to it than that...

Plato lay on the grass in the middle of the park, looking up at the sky. He thought of home. Of Victoria. He missed her. He hated the very thought of missing anyone, but he couldn't help it. He rolled onto his back and tucked his front paws onto his chest. Sometimes he was so busy thinking of his fighting that he forgot who he actually was. He was just a kitten really, still unsure of what he wanted in the world and who he wanted to be. He remembered the look on Tugger's face when he'd come back from his encounter with the dog, and he couldn't get it out of his head. He didn't realise a cat like Tugger, who came across to be so cocky and self centered, could care so much about anyone. Let alone him. Plato didn't realise anyone could ever care about him like that. Probably because very few cats actually did. He couldn't help feeling special that someone as popular as Tugger thought so highly of him. Only now did he realise that part of him really just wanted to go home. He hadn't thought about it, but he was beginning to realise how frightened Etcy must be. He'd never show it, but his scrap with the dog was pretty scary; he couldn't imagine facing Macavity alone. Part of him felt stupid for feeling sorry for the kitten, but he couldn't help it. He took a deep breath and watched the creamy purple sky break out in starlight. 

Could you tell I was feeling deep and philosophical when I wrote this? Next chapter is my fave, prepare for a lil Misto and Tug moment. Thanks for reading :3 xxx 

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