Chapter Twenty-Seven: Thunder and Lightning

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But the flames didn't hit Mistoffelees. Instead they collided with the wall and burnt down to embers. 

Because the Rum Tum Tugger had pounced in front and shoved him out of the way, knocking him to the ground. Misto landed with a thud on the floor, Tugger right on top, so their muzzles were almost touching. The small black cat was panting heavily in shock, and he stared up wide-eyed at the tom above him. Macavity spun his head round and he too stared, in fury and surprise. 

Now he was looking away, Demeter took her chance. She sunk her teeth into Macavity's paw and bolted down the alley, catching up with Etcetera who was still trying to find her way home. She scooped up the kitten by the scruff, and then she was gone. Macavity flicked the blood from his paw and bounded down the street after the she-cats. Even when he wasn't using his powers he was a mere flash of orange against the shadows he was so fast. He dashed towards the light, but as he did so, someone sprung on him from behind, tearing into his flesh with razor sharp claws. Plato. Battered, bloody, and bruised, the kitten used all his remaining strength to drag the evil cat down. Macavity was pulled onto the cobbles and yowled in pain. Plato had bitten right through his skin and a deep wound bled all over the already scarlet fur. 

"Get off me!" the Hidden Paw hissed, arching his back and spitting. Just as he turned on the pale tabby another body intervened, grabbing his neck and twisting it so that the tall, thin cat was flipped over onto the floor once again. 

"Bomba!" Plato croaked. The fiery red queen looked sickly and dizzy, but her move had been enough. Plato jumped on top of Macavity and pinned his fore paws to the ground. Bombalurina, shaking and struggling to keep her eyes open, placed her paws as firmly as she could on his torso, making sure he couldn't get away. For now they'd contained him, but they all knew he wouldn't hold for long. Macavity thrashed around violently, caterwauling and biting, but neither cat moved. 

Meanwhile, across the street, Misto was still unable to speak. If it wasn't for Tugger he'd be toast. Probably literally. He tried to make himself say something, but he was paralyzed. But that didn't matter, because Tugger spoke for him. The big tom's chest was heaving up and down and a thin river of blood was trickling down from a tear in his right ear. 

"Misto," he mewed softly. The black and white cat couldn't even reply, so he said nothing. Tugger swallowed and forced himself to keep going. "I, uh- I like you...A lot..." 

The alley seemed to go silent and the stars that were emerging from the black sky above began to light up the street. Something shifted in that moment, and everything in the world felt strange and new. Without a moment's hesitation the black and golden tom leaned forwards, and Misto closed his eyes.  This time no-one pulled back, and no-one interrupted. The kiss felt like fireworks and waterfalls and shooting stars all over. Neither of them wanted it to end. The three other cats stared for a moment, and none of them moved. For a few moments nothing and no-one moved. Something changed inside of Mistoffelees too. Something in his heart, in his mind, clicked. He felt complete again. Because something had been missing all this time. Something was playing on his mind, distracting him from his magic and messing with his head. Someone. And now that someone was here next to him, it just felt right. Something changed. His eyes snapped open and he looked up at Tugger who was blushing like crazy. 

"What?" he mewed. 

"It's back." 

"What?" Tugger asked again. Tugger sat down and Mr. Mistoffelees scrambled to his paws, holding them out in front of him and looking them up and down. 

"I can do it." 

Macavity realised before anyone else what he meant, and in a final bout of energy shoved Plato and Bombalurina off. He too raised his front paws and and prepared himself to battle. 

"Stand back," Misto said quietly, and Tugger did as he was told. The black cat shook his fur off and extended his fore paws. Purple bolts of lightning shot out and towards Macavity. Macavity fought back, using his own red flames, and the two forces met in the middle, creating a burning ball of power and force. The three other cats watched in awe. They'd forgotten how spectacular Misto's powers could be. Both of the magic cats used all their strength to push forward, until Mistoffelees retracted his force and ducked down, so Macavity's thunder hit the back wall of the alley. The second this happened Misto retaliated, sending a spark of blue and purple stars into the Hidden Paw and sending him crashing to the ground. Macavity could fight back, but the spark of his fire was gone. He'd lost this battle, and he wasn't willing to risk trying again. The ginger cat got to his feet. His fur was scorched black and covered in gashes and wounds from the fight which had seemed to last forever. It was surprising he was still alive, and it reminded them of how powerful he really was. He merely ran a claw through his dusty crooked whiskers, licked a drop of blood off his chest, and stalked away. 

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