Chapter Twenty-Four: Run

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For a moment nothing moved. The cats glanced at each other, uncertain of what to do now. They hadn't thought about what would happen when they finally got here, and they had no plan. But Plato decided for them. He made his way to the front of the pack and stared down the alleyway. He lifted his muzzle and sniffed the air. 

"He's here."

Through the smell of fish and sea salt, another distinct odor occurred. A cat's scent. Stronger than that of any other cat they knew. Sour and bitter and stale. Macavity. Bombalurina opened her mouth to speak but before she could do so Plato bolted down the alley, claws blazing, fur bristling. The others had no choice but to follow. Whether they were ready or not, Macavity was waiting. 


He knew they were coming. He'd sensed them from a mile away. No use running now. Besides, this could work out in his favour. He knew Demeter would be there. This was his chance to get her back. He waited, silent, still looming over the limp motionless body of the kitten. He turned swiftly and slashed the approaching tom right across the eye. 


Plato was smacked to the ground, and his vision blinded with a metallic red fluid. Regardless he jumped back to his paws, ignoring the excruciating pain. Bombalurina came next, bounding down the alley without a second thought. She and Plato jumped onto the ginger tom and clawed and scratched and bit with all their might. 

"Tugger," Misto hissed as he ran along side the golden tom. "Get Etcetera, and take Demi with you. Don't let her out of your sight." 

Tugger nodded and sprinted down the dark street and into the shadows, slipping silently past the brawling cats. Demeter followed, screwing her eyes shut when she passed Macavity. She could smell him. Taste him. Feel him. She stopped in the shadows and began to pant heavily, unable to move. Tugger sensed her fear and turned round. 

"What?" he asked, a hint of urgency to his voice. There was no sign of the kitten. Demeter shook her head. She had to swallow her own fear; for Etcetera.

"Nothing. Where's Etcy?" she mewed stiffly. 

"She's not here." 

"W...what did he do with her then?" The golden tabby queen turned to Macavity who was scrapping with their friends with ease. They wouldn't hold up for long. They had to find Etcetera and get away before it was too late. "What did you do with her?!" she shrieked, her voice shrill. She leapt forwards, but Tugger's strong paws held her back. 

"Shut up," he hissed, "The last thing we need is him taking you too." 

"Let me go!" she spat, shaking her body around wildly in an attempt to loosen his grip. "Let me go!" Demeter yelled again. "If he wants me, let him take me!" 

Tugger pulled her paws behind her back and threw her to the ground. 

"Are you insane?! Stop acting crazy and help me find her." 

Demeter snapped out of her rage and got to her paws shakily, scouring the shadows for any sign of the kitten. She spotted the drain on the floor and looked down into the deep, murky water. She looked at Tugger, her eyes wide with fear. 

"You don't think he..."

"He wouldn't," Tugger mewed, though he didn't sound sure at all. Then they heard a voice. 


Both cats whipped their heads round and saw her. She was lying in a sorry heap by the trash can in the corner. Her body was rugged and soaked and bruised, and several wounds bled onto her pale fur. Tugger dashed forwards and picked her up in his forepaws, cradling her gently. 

"Oh Heaviside, you're safe," Demeter gasped with relief. "Did he hurt you?" 

Etcetera snuggled her head into Tugger's mane and closed her eyes tight. 

"It's okay, I'm fine. Can we go now? Where's Misto?"

They all looked over to where their allies were attempting to take down Macavity. And failing. 

"She's cold," Tugger muttered quietly, handing Etcy to Demeter, who took her with a questioning look on her face. "Look after her." 

"Tugger, be careful." 

"Don't go," the kitten mewed hoarsely, but her comment was ignored as the Maine coon leapt off to join the others. Demeter held Etcetera closely to her chest as her eyes began to water. 

"Don't be scared, Demi, Tugger will take him," the kit mewed, her hopes now restored by her favourite tom's presence. If only she knew. Demeter forced a smile. 

"Yeah," she whispered. "He will." 

As the battle continued, Demeter found herself making eye contact with Bombalurina. Bomba, her brave and beautiful friend. Her sister. The red queen was digging her claws into Macavity's side as he zapped Plato to the ground with fire bolts from his paw. Bombalurina stared at Demeter and mouthed one word. 


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