chapter 26

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Zeref decided that he didn't want to put on a shirt while zane had on a white T-shirt which showed off his muscles and some khaki shorts.I turned back to my pancakes only to feel sparks wrap around me they erupted through out my body and sent a shiver down my spine.I knew it could only be my mate,he kissed up and down my neck while I tried to finish making breakfast.

6 months later zeref pov
"Uggghh"I heard Lucy groan in her sleep while moving closer yo me.she was resting on my chest now but as soon as I moved she woke up."did I wake u"I asked as I moved a hair out her face and behind her eye."no but I think my water broke"she said with a smile before she started groaning.I thought she was just joking ......well until I felt something wet on my leg,I picked up my mate by her armpits and held her outwards to make sure she she didn't u know .....pee or pull a prank to see my reaction.

But she was telling the truth and i ended up running all the way to the pack Infirmary while screaming.I put her on the bed while I ran around the room yelling for the doctors,I may have looked like a mad man but who care in having another kid....wait no this be my first kid coming from her but doesn't matter kai and lily are mine to so I care I'm just so happy.anyways after the doctors came in i sat down and held Lucy's hand I kissed it and stared at her.

Well I can't say I don't know what it felt like to give birth because I was mated to Lucy I felt every inch of pain she did.After she was done she ended up out of breath and just wanted to sleep but she stayed awake to see our baby.the nurse came back with him and gave him to Lucy.I had her in between my legs as I leaned my back against the head board."he's so cute,look at his chubby cheeks and small little arms"she said as she stared at him with so much love in her eyes."what do u want to name him"I asked as I squeeze her hand to keep her awake.

"Stephen"she said as she brushed his hair out his face."a handsome name indeed my dear"I said as I kissed her head before I felt her slowly fall asleep.Stephen slept against his mother while I tried to put them in a comfy position. After I few hours of resting I opened my eyes to see the sun up,I wanted to know what time it was but there were no clocks in the room nor did I have my phone.

I heard a knock at the door and when it opened I saw mavis come in with her father and mother."what do u want"I growled."I just wanted to come and see u but the i heard that Lucy gave birth"she said as she played with her fingers and stayed by the door.hi dad I heard Lucy said with her eyes closed.she smile before she smelt mavis,"get the hell out before I rip your throat out"she said as she put Stephen in my arms and walked to mavis.

I didn't stop her she seemed like she want in the mood well I mean who would be she just finished giving birth a few hours ago,I wasn't in the mood considering that i felted some of the pain too."Lucy I wanted to say sorry to u,I know I haven't been the best sister but I want u to know that I want to be here for u now"she said as she looked her in the eye showing no type of lie but that didn't stop Lucy.

"Oh I gear after that woman u sent to kill me fail now u want to be my family,never in hell will I ever want u to be my sister again"she spat at mavis with all the hate in her voice.I swear everyone in the room gasped as Lucy finished her sentence,"how did u know I sent her I made sure I masked my scent"mavis said as she tried to back up into the door a bit more."cut the crap u can't hide shit from anyone and u don't know how to mask your scent at all,why I the hell would u use my mates scent " she said as I punched the door by her head.

She didn't answer. her all she did was slide down the door shaking in fear.I wanted to get up so bad but Stephen didn't need to hear this so I just held him till Lucy came back to the bed.he started crying probably because he is hungry,so I kicked everyone out whole Lucy breast deeded him.

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