chapter 8

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she quickly put her arms around my neck and put he legs around my I want u to guess what I had to do while she slept

Zeref pov
It was currently afternoon and me,Lucy,mika,eiji,Zane and setsuna we're playing video games.I might be an alpha but I can have some fun now and then even though other packs think that my  pack is the roughest and best pack around.we can be rough but we also know how to have fun.I was playing call of duty with the boys but had Lucy in my lap.she was playing temple run on my phone,she was really good at that game but she could never beat my high score.

"Zeref l-look I b-beat it"she said as she showed me that she beat my night score.I changes the game really quickly,"no more beating any of my high score"I said as I put her on a baby game.I earned a chuckle from Zane because he did it to setsuna.Then suddenly I my phone stated ringing and just guess who it's was Mavis.and the pic showed Mavis kissing me on the cheek.I think my mate got jealous because before I knew it my phone was thrown at the wall and my mate was walking out.all u could hear in the room was oooooooh's from my friends and sister."angel"I yelled as I ran after her.she wasn't running she was just walking fast.●ω●even though she was mad she looked hella sexy when she is jealous,she actually went in our room and when I got in the she was looking out the window with a balled up fits.

She turned slightly and said three word that made me burst out laughing."ima kill her"she said with a straight face and I just knew my mate was watching to much tv."oh honey don't say that she is your sister I said as I walked over to her."I don't care if she is my sister,u are mine not hers"with that comment I knew her wolf was finally waking up.I actually love her being possessive of me it's so hot,but she need to calm down so a quickly made my way over and kissed her she was stiff at first but soon put her arms around me."*ahem*no sex,Lucy u have to go to the mall remember"setsuna said at the door.I throw a pillow at her,"I don't ruin your mating with Zane and I don't think my mate is ready for that yet"I said.

She huff with her cheeks red and walked away.anyways my mate was calmer but I think Mavis was going to get it later but anyways my mom was Coming to take Lucy to the mall but I had a bad feeling about it.I was holding her because she just wanted to watch so she can hit Mavis.but what I just realized was that my phone is probably shaddered in the living room."I guess I need a new phone now"I said as me and Lucy cuddled each other.sorry she mumbled before we fell asleep.

I heard someone knocking on my door but didn't bother to get up.I snuggled closer to my mate,just go in I heard someone said.then I heard the door open and I smelt my mother scent and Mavis."zeref why are u guys still sleeping"my mother asked as she shaked me."well we we're napping but OK"I said as I  shook Lucy. She groaned and pushed my hand picked her up and brought her to the bathroom,"we will be out in like 10 minutes.

Mavis pov
I was standing at zeref's door,I wanted to go in because I was worried.when I call to check up on him,the phone cut off but I actually heard the phone hit mom said that she was coming over here so I followed but when I got to his door I smelt another  scent it smelt like vanilla.I stood at his door forva while until his mother caught me I already knew she didn't like the idea of me being with her son but I don't care because I did love zeref.

"Just go in she said. I didnt move so she just opened the door for me.she walked in and shook he son,I didn't mean to look but when zeref got up I saw that he wasnt wearing a shirt,I blushed as I stared at his abs but something just had to burst my bubble,I saw him pick up a girl out of his bed then grab clothes and go in the bathroom. I did see her face but I did see her arms around his neck and her lags around his waist.she was wearing a shirt I got him for his  birthday and I did notice she wasn't wearing pants."awee their so cute his mother said which made me mad because she doesn't think me and zeref are good.I stormed out the room and went to sit by my mom who was waiting for me to come talk with her

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