Chapter5|Until The End.

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Chapter5|Until The End.

It was Zayn.

My brother.

He was talking to Niall , but I could see his face perfectly. Then he looked up , & he smiled wide. Then everything else was in slow motion.

I dropped my bags on the ground & ran as fast as I could to him. Each step , closer to my brother. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks by just looking at Zayn. He stepped foward & ran up to me also. I literally jumped on him. But he put his arms around my waist & catched me. I put my arms around his neck , & my face in his shoulder. More tears rolled down my cheeks. I took in his scent. He smelt like vanilla. I heard him sniff. That meant he was crying also. I held him tighter , letting him know I was there. I was so short, my feet weren't even touching the floor. I felt like nobody was watching us. Only me & Zayn. I wanted to stay in my brother's arms forever. But of course , we had to let go. He put me down & looked at me. He still had tears in his eyes.

"I-It's really you." He whispered.

"It's me."

He grinned , & put his arms around my waist again , & I put mine around his neck. Only this time , he spun me around. I squealed.

"Zayn , stop I'm getting dizzy !" I laughed.

He laughed & stopped spinning. I smiled wide , & stood on my tiptoes & gave him a kiss on the cheek. He chuckled & gave me one last hug , before we turned around. Everybody was sitting, & smiling at us. By everybody , I mean Alexis , Niall , Louis , Liam , Harry , & some man I didn't recognize.

"Wait , what are you doing here ?" I asked Zayn.

"We're in L.A for a few months."


Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around & saw Alexis.

"This was Zayn's idea. He told me to bring you to L.A , for your birthday surprise. Which was him." she explained.

"So you didn't win the plane tickets ?"

"Nope , Zayn made our plane arrangements."

I turned around to see Zayn.

"Thank you , Zayn. This is the best birthday surprise , I've ever gotten."

"No problem , & I really wanted to see you."

I smiled. "What time is it by the way?"

"It's 4;30 a.m." said Alexis.

"That explains , why I'm tired." I groaned.

"You slept the whole plane ride, Jade."

"So ? I still need my beauty sleep !"

Zayn laughed. "We're totally related."

I chuckled & went to get my bag. Alexis & Louis got the suitcases & walked outside. They were really bonding I bet.

Zayn walked up to me , & put his arm around my shoulder. We walked outside & got in the van. The man that I didn't recognize was driving.

"That's Paul, our bodyguard." said Zayn. He must've seen my confusion. I only nodded & looked out the window. L.A was amazing. I was trying hard to keep my eyes open. I put my head on Zayn's shoulder & closed my eyes. Then drifted to sleep.


I tiredly opened my eyes. I sat up & noticed I was on a bed. The room I was in , was big. I stood up & looked around. There was white walls , a king size bed , a walk in closet , & a bathroom. Woah. It would be a dream come true , if this big ass room had a refrigerator.

Zayn Malik is My Brother? « one directionWhere stories live. Discover now