Chapter14|I Lost Her.

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Chapter14|I Lost Her.


I kept running, already out of breath.

"Jade!" I shouted.

I looked around the buildings, & in alleys, but didn't find her. I had already ran almost 4 blocks.

I fell on my knees, breathing hard.

"Jade, please come back." I whispered, as a tear sled down my cheek.

I didn't want to lose her again. These past few months have been amazing. I need her. She's the only family member I have. I need her next to me, I need her smile, her personality, I need her. Without her, I'm nothing but just the famous Zayn Malik. When I saw her in the airport, & when she was in my arms, I knew that this was a new beginning. Now it ended.

" Yeah. I remember that we used to get along so well. We would play outside together on the swings. We would hug eachother when we were scared." I said & she smiled. Then my eyes filled with tears. "Even if you don't believe it , I-I miss you Jade , so much. " I said softly. "I miss hugging you when you were scared. I miss kissing your forehead every night. I miss how you would call me Zaynie. I miss being your big brother." Tears rolled down her eyes again. We were both crying quietly now.

"We're going to see eachother soon." She whispered. I smiled & nodded.

I laid on the concrete sidewalk, & sobbed.

"I slept good , Thanks to your singing." She smiled.

"That's good. Have you eaten breakfast ?"

"Yeah , only some cereal."

"That's all ?" I chuckled.

She laughed & nodded. "Alexis only made breakfast for herself then disappeared."

"That explains a lot. You don't know how to cook ?"

"Nope. I do make delicious cereal though !" She smirked.

I laughed. "I would love to taste your delicious cereal. Maybe you might give me your secret recipe."

She giggled. "Of course !"

I groaned. I wanted to stand up, & look for her but I didn't have any strength.

"You said you would show me your secret recipe on cereal!" I smirked. She burst out laughing. I remembered when she told me that she made delicious cereal through Skype & would tell me the secret recipe. She nodded, & took the cereal box.

She cleared my throat loudly, as I took a seat on a stool. "First you take the cereal box, & pour a same amount in the two bowls!" She said in a deep man voice. I laughed at her silliness.

She continued. "Then you take the milk gallon. The secret is that.."

"You use goat milk," She whispered. I started laughing uncontrollably. I fell to floor with my hands on my stomach. She started giggling.

About 2 minutes later.. I calmed down, & was sitting on the stool eating my cereal. I don't know how she did it, but she did.

She had already ate her cereal calmly, while I was on the floor, laughing my ass off.

"Jade, please come back." I groaned.

"He's over there guys! I see him." I heard, before I blacked out.


"Jade, where are you?" I shouted, as I ran into an alley.

"I'm over here Zayn." I heard her say softly. I sighed in relief, & went up to where I heard her voice.

She was sitting there in the darkness. She wasn't wearing what she was wearing earlier. She was all in white. She had a long white dress, & her hair was up.

"Jade, what happened?" I asked her.

"Zayn, I'm tired of all this. I need to go."

"Go where!? What do you mean you're tired of this?"

"It's I go, or you go."

Then she took out a gun. I gasped.

"Jade where did you get that?"

"Bye, Zayn." She said, as she aimed the gun at me. After that, I only heard the gunshot.

I shot up. "No, Jade!" I yelled.

Then I noticed it was just a nightmare.

Liam came in the room. "Good morning, Zayn."

"Where's Jade?" I asked softly.

Then he looked down at his feet. That's when I knew for sure,

I lost her.


Hey Guys! Happy Holidays!

I love all of you!

-chelle xo

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