Chapter26|After Her.

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Dedicated to @Angelof1D!

Thank you for your sweet comment! You don't deserve any of the hate you get on Twitter! x

Chapter26|After Her.


Me & the boys walked into the elevator. Liam helped me inside, -since I was in crutches for about 2 weeks, & walked me to the bars that were placed on the elevator wall.

We were on our way to see Simon. You could say I was a bit worried, & had brushed my hands on my jeans now & then, thanks to the sweatiness.

"What do you guys think he'll say?" Niall asked softly, breaking the silence.

"Maybe tell us that we have to be more careful when it comes to bringing people into this." Lou mumbled. I sighed, loudly.

"You all know that he is going to yell at me." I said, brushing a hand through my hair -that kind of needed a haircut since the last time was almost 2 months ago- & looked at the ceiling. Liam patted my shoulder, as if it was suppose to make me feel better. Well at least he was trying.

"Don't take it too hard on yourself, Zayn. We'll be there." Harry assured me. I gave him a tight smile, & looked down at my Jordans.

Finally, the elevator dinged & we stepped -well I stumbled outside the sliding doors.

When we were right in front of Simon's office, I took a deep breath as Liam knocked on the wooden door. We heard a faint 'come in' & he turned the door knob. Walking in, we saw Simon on his desk scribbling down something. He looked up, then nodded his head towards the long couch across the office.

He stood up, then walked to the middle of the room.

"Well, you all know how crazy it has been since that girl came."

"Her name is Jade." I cut in.

He ignored me & kept talking.

"Everybody is focusing on that, & not the tour, & new album that is coming out soon. We have to do something now, before it gets out of hand."

"What do you mean do something?" Asked Harry.

"Zayn could tell everybody that that wasn't really his sister. It was just a fan that was following you around."

I stood up. "I can't do that!"

"No, you will. Do you know how all the fans are reacting?" He raised his voice.

"Yes, I do! They're sending love to me & her, so she'll come back. I won't do anything! I rather go through hell & back, instead of saying shit about her to the world, & hurting her. She'll think I don't care about her!"

"Well right now, your career is more important! Do you know what you will lose!?"

"Yes Simon! I will lose the only family member I have left!"

"You have the boys."

I turned to look at the worried faces sitting on the couch.

"I love them, but I'm not going to lose my sister. And I'll quit One Direction for her if I have to." I shrugged, then took my crutches, & stumbled out the door as fast as I can, out of the building.


I sat uncomfortably on the metal chair, inside Starbucks. After I told Paul I needed time to think, he dropped me off here, & told me he would pick me up in an hour.

I had my hoodie on, so I hoped no one would recognize me.

I looked through the things that people were tweeting about Jade. Yes, it must be crazy, but the fans are showing how much they love her, & want her to back.

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