Chapter17|Who Cares Anyway?

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Chapter17|Who Cares Anyway?


I laid down on the couch, sighing. Liam had just called me, & told me that they hadn't found Jade.

I felt guilty. So guilty.

It was all my fault. This should've never happened. But I liked her. A lot.

Every time I saw her talking to Niall, or another guy, I felt jealous.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

That day when we were watching a movie, I was going to tell her my feelings. But I got so nervous, I kissed her instead.

Zayn was so pissed. He's one of my best mates, & I kissed his sister.

I wish I could go back in time, & change everything.

When me & Zayn fought, I saw the hurt in Jade's eyes. I wanted to stop for her, but at the same time, I wanted to teach a lesson to Zayn. She's not his property. He has to understand that.

But then when she said she was more ashamed of me, my heart broke. I was letting her down.

Then she ran. I wanted to ran after her, but Zayn wouldn't have had let me.

I sat on the couch & stared at the wall.

I mess up everything.

Maybe the world would be better without me.



I put on my leather jacket, then looked in the mirror in front of me. I fixed my hair a bit, & walked out my room.

I went downstairs, entering the kitchen, grabbing my keys, & phone.

I was about to open the door, when someone knocked. I turned the knob, & saw Louis. I sighed.

"Zayn, can I come in?" He asked softly. I only nodded & stepped away from the door.

"Look, I want to talk about wha-"

All of a sudden Liam, & Alexis burst in.

Hand in hand?

I raised one eyebrow. What the hell is happening?

Then Niall & Harry came in.

What is this? Is there a meeting at my house I didn't know about?

"What the flying fuck is happening?" I asked loudly.

"We need to tell you something." Said Liam.

"I do too." Cut in Louis.

"I came to pick you up to go to the club," muttered Harry.

"I came to look for food." Shrugged Niall.

"You sound like Jade." I chuckled, but then regretted it.

It got silent.

Liam cleared his throat. "Alexis & I have something important to say."

I turned to him. "What is it?"

"We're uh, together now." He stuttered.

"Liam, you're going to get her into this also?" Harry cut in.

"What do you mean?" He asked, lost.

"The media is already going crazy about Jade, & how she's Zayn's sister. They're going to find out she's missing, & that you're together with a normal girl. We already have enough problems."

"Well I need to talk to Zayn." Louis groaned.

"Well I need to get his ass into my car, so we could go." Harry snapped.

I ran a hand through my hair. "All of you get out. Liam, Alexis, & Louis, I'll call you tomorrow, & Harry, wait for me in the car."

They nodded & turned around, walking to the door.

I sighed again, then put my phone in my pocket. I was about to go outside when I remembered. I turned around, to see Niall standing there.

"So, what do you have in your refrigerator?" He grinned.


"You sure you want to do this?" Harry asked.

"Yes. I need to get my mind off of everything."

He nodded, & got out of the car.

I opened my car door, stepping out, feeling the harsh cold air.

We walked inside. I saw people dancing on the dance floor, some sitting, some making out, & some at the bar.

I walked towards the bartender. "Give me the strongest thing you have."

He came back a few seconds later, giving me the shot glass. I drank it, feeling the burning sensation down my throat.

"Another one." I told him, as Harry came up beside me.

"Don't drink too much Zayn." He sighed.

"Who cares anyway?" I spat. "I already lost the person I loved the most."


Love you!

-chelle xo

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