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I heard silence.

Pure silence.

I opened my eyes slowly. I tried to move my hand, but felt a sharp pain while in motion.

The walls were a light, almost dark purple color. Just like Jade's hair tips.

I was laying in an uncomfortable bed, covered by white sheets. There was a black wooden chair next to the bed. What caught my attention was the beeping, from the heart monitor. It was going at a normal pace.

Across the room was a table, with a glass of water, a telephone, and an unturned lamp. A few feet from the table to the right, was a brown door, which I suppose was the exit to this sad place, called a hospital room.

I kept staring at the brown door for I don't know how long, until it flew open, & Niall walked inside. His ocean blue eyes caught mine, & he ran up to the bed.

"Zayn, oh my goodness, thank god you're okay, we were so worried." He breathed. I noticed his face was pale like he hadn't slept in days. His blue eyes didn't sparkle like they would always do.

"Are you feeling any pain? Are you hungry? I could call the nurse if you want!" He rambled. I gave him a light smile. I don't know if he actually saw it, I was really exhausted.

"I'd like some water please." I answered, my voice cracking.

He nodded, & walked towards the table across the room. He grabbed the glass of water, & helped me take a drink from it.

I drank the whole glass, but I still felt thirsty as hell. I still whispered a small 'Thank you' as he sat down.

"Zayn, what happened?" Niall asked.

I sighed, everything flashing in my mind.

"I was, & still am, tired of not being able to see her, Niall. I feel so alone. I guess I just broke that night. I couldn't take it anymore." I said, my eyes tearing up already, just thinking about Jade.

I felt so depressed, & confused at the same time. I've lost all sense of pride. I can't come alive, & I just want the room to take me under.

I can't help but wonder, what if I had one more night for good bye? ( Used a little of These Four Walls by Little Mix. Haha )

"The police came to talk to us before we got to your house." He said, looking down.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What they say? Did they find anything, Niall?" I said, trying to sit up, but then felt pain on my lower back. I groaned, & laid back down.

"Take it easy, Zayn. And yes. Actually paparazzi found something."

"What did they see?"

He pulled out his phone from his pocket, then tapped away. A few seconds later, he showed me a picture.

It was two people walking down a sidewalk. You could only see the back of their heads.

One of them had medium size, light pink hair, with darker pink tips.

The other one had longer pink hair, with the exact same purple tips, I know, & love.


Vote & Comment please!

Sorry it's short! It's a filler!

-chelle xo

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