Chapter 2 - Little House on the Mountains

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Meiying Lan and her husband led us through the village, and as we walked she pointed out the vacant houses. The village was quite jumping despite a small population. Old men sat on the porches with pipes, children playing in the streets while avoiding the carriages and rickshaws that wheeled to and fro about the neighborhood.

"It feels like this place is more populated than it looks," I said,

Meiying gave a chuckle, "It feels that way at first. Everyone is out and about during day. No one goes out at night so it's peaceful. One thing you'll get used to is that since we are such a small village, it does not take long for you to know everyone here,"

Damn, that's exciting....I think. Of all the places I had traveled, Carl and I never remembered anyone we passed by, or those who came to his store looking to buy his goods. Most of the cities we tried to live in were very large urban places with homeless on the streets, and constant movement and chatter about no matter what time of day or night it was. But here, there was the gentle breeze from the South, cool air from the mountains, and less noise from children and traffic. It was not completely quiet, but it was good enough for me to have some time to sit down and imagine what lay within where I wanted to go.

We walked up the slope and the houses were lined on each side. Residents were out and about and it all seemed like a happy place to live. I liked idea of that. Most of the places that we had moved into in the past were not only large and crowded, but also not as friendly. People were either cooped up in their homes all the time, or out and about but not as enthusiastic about their lives, or any newcomers. Carl and I would often have to make it on our own without feeling welcome where we were. I was glad that here would be a chance where we would feel more comfortable with friendly people.

The rice gardens came into view, and I was able to see them better; those that were flat or like stairs. Women were hard at work wearing wide brimmed straw hats harvesting the crops.

"Your rice stock is very impressive," I told Meiying,

"Why yes it is, thank you. Here in China all families take care of their own supply of rice. It is a job that mostly the women take care of here. Speaking of which, perhaps we can find a place for you to work in the gardens if you like?"

Just what I need, a job, well I'll take it, and it doesn't matter what it is. I thought, while observing the women working in the gardens, and then I spoke,"

"I'd love to Meiying. When can I start?" I blushed, the way I pronounced her name sounded off,

"As soon as you settle in, any vacant house you see that interests you?" She asked,

We kept walking as I eyed every house we passed, they were all the same to me, but it was not about the look of it that I was concerned about. Then as we started up another path, I spotted a small house at the edge of the village, it was surrounded by a patch of snow blowing off the mountains. In fact, all of the houses in this part of the village were blanketed with a little snow from the mountains, but this one seemed to have the most of it. I started walking faster ahead of my company towards it at the top of the gentle hill.

As soon as I reached it, I discovered it was sitting on flat ground with a beautiful view of the mountains behind it. It was a medium sized house that was made from grey wood and curved red shingles for the roof. All the other houses had the same roofs as well, but the ones on this house seemed redder to me. It had four windows, a small porch and a bright red door. Somehow, it reminded me almost of something in fairy tales just by the way it looked. There were also a few black pine trees growing beside it.

Carl, Meiying, and her husband came up behind me,

"Well, looks like you've made your decision. A good choice too, the family that lived here last loved it so much while their children were young. Then they moved to the Imperial city," Meiying said,

I'll go there someday when I have enough money; I'll journey through the pass when I'm ready. But for now, I think I'm happy being here. I thought as I took hold of the doorknob.

"Go on, it's open," I heard her say behind me,

I opened the door and walked in. The house on the inside was quite small, but to me, it fit perfectly for just one person: its wooden floor and walls with a red carpet containing a Chinese design made it feel welcoming. There were four rooms, and I made my way into the kitchen first. Inside there was a nice round beige coloured table with four chairs circling it, a black pot belly stove with a pipe that ran up into the ceiling and dragon engraving at its base. Next to it, there was a cube shaped counter for preparing food with a large sifter. I assumed it was for the rice as I would have my own supply of it.

A back door went out from next to the counter to reveal a small pond for washing dishes, cups, bowls, and they were found in the cupboards along with a drawer full of chopsticks and other essentials. Not what I'm used to in other places, but I will find a way to eat like this. I thought, as I wandered into the small living room. Another Imperial designed carpet covered the room and it was round with two dragons with their long necks twined around one another. There were wicker chairs with wool cushions and out of the corner of my eye; there was a small table with a box full of sewing and knitting supplies. I had made my own clothes in the past, and it seemed that whoever left this behind when the moved out, had left it for me.

There was a small bathroom containing a single box for a toilet, and the bedroom was a single large bed with a furry pelt blanket, and pillows. There were small wooden tables at each side of the bed with a candle and a large dresser and mirror were place parallel to the bed. I guess this family all shared one bed; I thought as I walked towards the large rectangular window and looked down. Underfoot was a trapdoor, and it seemed to have caught me by surprise.

"Do you like it so far?" Meiying asked from behind,

I looked at her, "Yes it's rather small by cozy. Say, what's down there?" I pointed at the trapdoor,

"Just the cellar, the woman who lived here before kept all her fabrics down there. There's also another bed down there as well,"

"Why would they put a bed in the cellar, it doesn't seem like a pleasant place for a guest to sleep?"

"Oh it wasn't for guests. If circumstances were to arise such as a mountain avalanche or an attack then it's safer to be underground,"

Attack? Who would even think about attacking a peaceful village like this? Suddenly I was reminded of why we could not stay at the Great Wall long for sightseeing because of the recent breach, which made me wonder; was there a war going on that we were not told of?

Meiying chuckled, "Oh don't worry there won't be any attack. If there are invaders, the Imperial armies will take care of them. So, let's talk business, do you want this house?"

I nodded, and she smiled, "Great! Well my husband does not charge much for mortgage, so what you get paid for your at work in the gardens, should be sufficient."

I smiled and looked forward to moving in.

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