Chapter 22 - Last Ride

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The road was long and wide. The mountains shone in the morning sunlight as we galloped and for the first time I felt like this winter wonderland was all I wanted to dwell in forever. Shan Yu's horse galloped fast at the anterior of the army. All I could see in front of us was the wide path blanketed in thick snow and the horizon was a clear bright blue sky.

"Take the reins my love," I heard him say,

"Are you certain?"

"Never more, I want my prize close to me,"

I took the reins and then felt both his arms around me as the horse continued forward down the path. Loud whinnies came from left and right as the path spread out into a great open valley and there I saw dozens of riders joining to ride alongside of us. Their weapons were drawn and they rode like the wind on their dark steeds following their leader.

"At last my full force comes together," Shan Yu said with a grin as I felt his hands caress my belly and lower chest,

I smiled and gazed at my surroundings as the army joined together as one. The mountains were beautiful; they rose to the sky and all their peaks were almost perfect in shape covered with snow. The sun shone down on them from high above making them shimmer in the light. One last beautiful moment in the mountains before battle, I thought remembering Shan Yu's promise.

I gripped the reins tightly and continued to guide us straight through the massive valley; Shan Yu held me closer, his lips were soon on my neck briefly as my hair blew to the side from the wind chill brushing against me from the right side.

"You're doing wonderful sweetling," He whispered between each kiss,

Yong Ro was soon riding beside us to the left and his jet-black hair nearly covered his face from the strong breeze, "Shan Yu, I believe we possess a great strength in numbers now that the rest of the army is merging here, do you not believe so?"

Shan Yu turned to his adviser, "There is no doubt about that, but it is also likely the Emperor's forces will be greater. Taking the city will be a challenge, they'll be expecting us,"

"Will you try my strategy again?" I asked, listening to the conversation,

"We might but not entirely the same approach since this isn't like taking a small village Emily. Once we reach the city only then does the plan come into place. For now, enjoy the view." He said and planted another kiss on my neck at the end of his sentence,

He was right. I took my mind off the upcoming battle and focused on the wide path ahead. The snow glittered in the sunlight like diamonds were scattered all around us as we streaked through. I glanced at the sky and spotted Hayabusa soaring above trying to keep up. He flew fast like the wind desperate to stay with his master. I smiled and felt the cold breeze brush against my right cheek again. My body shook a little from the chill.

"I will keep you warm, don't worry. My prize will never freeze to death," Shan Yu said grinning from behind and his warm breath was on my neck.

Xu Ling rode up to our right side, "Think Chi Zhong was right about it'll be harder to take the city without him?"

I did not want to think about Chi Zhong now that he was dead but I could not help but wonder what Shan Yu's answer to that question would be.

"Chi Zhong made his choice and paid the price. Now he can rot in hell for all I care. I do not regret killing him for threatening my prize. If it turns out the battle is harder without him, then so be it. We shall meet the Emperor's forces with our plan and give them everything we've got."

I smiled admiring Shan Yu's confidence despite the challenge that lay ahead. Nothing seemed to discourage him from any upcoming fight no matter the enemy's strength, numbers or any sort of advantage they had over him. Soon it was not long before the massive meadow of snow came to an end and we rode up a gentle slope into the mountains that made a circuit around the side. I looked to my right and there I saw it as we stopped briefly to observe the view.

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