Chapter 19 - Blossoming

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The following morning, I woke up inside Shan Yu's tent feeling refreshed. I slept peacefully the previous night, relieved that no horrid dreams had stolen that away. I sat up and smiled covering myself up with the soft panda fur blanket. It was bright outside and a gentle breeze blew snowflakes into the tent. I never thought I would wake up out here feeling this good, I thought to myself as I looked around. The broken table was gone from where it once stood and left an open space.

I turned to my left side and glanced Hayabusa sound asleep on his stand with his head tucked under his wing. I had never seen that falcon asleep before, in fact I did not think he even needed much sleep for a bird like him. The tent was peaceful and for once I was pleased to enjoy it while it lasted. Then the tent flap blew open and Shan Yu entered. Hayabusa woke up instantly and flew towards him landing on his left arm.

I was still grateful for what he did, and I never thought I would be this happy to see him, "Good morning Shan Yu," I said smiling at him,

He pulled back his hood, "Ah Emily, you're awake. You seem to be feeling better today,"

"Why yes, I haven't slept this well in days. I suppose it's because I'm not having those dreams anymore,"

He smiled and let Hayabusa fly back to his stand, "Good that you are not having those dreams anymore. Well, I also kept a promise didn't I?"

What promise was it again? Then I remembered it returning to me at the snap of a finger.

Shan Yu reached inside a satchel that lay on the belt of his tunic and pulled out a white bundle brighter than the snow.

"Try it on for size," He said, holding it out to me,

I took it and unrolled the bundle to reveal a long white dressy tunic. It did look more like a dress than a tunic; it was frilly at the skirt and elbow length sleeves. I freed myself from the furs and donned it in front of him. Not once did he reach for my naked body as I pulled it over my head. Then when it was on I spun around for him smiling and grateful.

"How do you like it?" he asked when I finished,

My eyes met his with joy, "It's beautiful, thank you so much,"

"It is certainly about time my prize be out of the rags she wore before,"

I blushed, he cared about my style as well.

"Why white?" I inquired,

"You like that colour don't you? When I found you in the mountains I recall you were wearing a white dress; and I ruined it the following day. I thought to myself how much you loved that dress once I realized my feelings. But if it reminds you too much of your old one so be it, I can find another,"

I walked closer to him, "I would have been happy with any colour you gave me, but still, thank you," then I stood on my toes and touched his face, stroking his cheek which was warm and surprisingly smooth as well,

"To think I would spent the rest of my time afraid of you, well not anymore," I said, withdrawing my hand afterwards,

"That pleases me greatly," he replied and as I looked into his eyes, there was a sign of sadness almost like heartbreak,

"Shan Yu, what's wrong?" I asked,

Shan Yu turned to his side and wiped his left eye of a small tear that was just starting to drip, "Nothing, I just need some time alone for a little while. You may go about the camp as you please; after last night my men should be more in control of themselves in your presence but you know what to do if they try anything,"

I looked at him deeply concerned as he walked to the back of his tent where his furs lay. Why was he suddenly saddened? Did I do or say something to hurt him? I wondered as I left his tent. The camp was bustling with the other Huns hard at work modifying their weapons. I did not stop to glance at any of them and none of them stared back at me, not even Chi Zhong when I passed him sharpening his sword on the grindstone outside his tent. Well, hopefully he's learned his lesson without the cost of his life.

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