Chapter 27 - Overthrown

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The Emperor remained seated, but as Shan Yu and I ascended up the staircase to his throne side by side holding hands. He remained rather unmoved by his defeat. His face was firm and he retained his posture.

"To think you would become this persistent given such a threat you pose. My armies, my people, and my walls have all fallen to you. I thought I could stop you but it is clear I could not," he said rather calmly which made me surprised that he was not frightened of the possibility that death was nearing for him.

"Damn straight you could not stop me. You have no idea I have longed to see this great city fall, and now it shall! Normally I would cut you right now in pieces, but ever since I met my prize back in the mountains, I learned to love, I learned what it was like to have mercy at times, what it's like to lose something you care about. I'll give you one last chance, bow to me," Shan Yu ordered, pointing his sword at his defeated foe. The edge of the blade was almost touching his long beard.

The Emperor had no fear of death facing before him, "The mountain cannot bow to the great wind that howls no matter how harsh it is,"

I listened to this conversation wondering how the best outcome was possible. The Emperor had clearly conceded to defeat, but at the same time it seemed like he did not want to. There was no question as to whether he was ready to die or not. At the same time and looked at him and thought, if Shan Yu is ready to overthrow China's current leader, is he prepared for what is to come afterward? He is a conqueror but does he know how to rule, he did say after all that he wanted to settle here despite possibly missing laying cities to waste. The Emperor may have been defeated fair and square but that doesn't mean he should be killed, right?

Shan Yu was silent at first when I looked at him. He gripped his sword tightly and it was like he had gone completely back to the way he was before. The scowl on his face clearly shown that he wanted to strike his foe down and hold the decapitated head up high in triumph expecting me to be proud. That was not what I wanted. All at once the moment flashed before my eyes: Shan Yu in a rage slashed the Emperor apart and placed himself on the throne as the blood spilled across the floor. He would expect me to curtsy before him or place myself on his lap. I wanted to believe that his love for me had put some compassion in his cold heart.

 I wanted to believe that his love for me had put some compassion in his cold heart

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Then, after a long period of silence, he spoke in anger. "Very well, then you will kneel in pieces!"

His sword lunged towards his foe, my heart jumped and acting fast I quickly placed myself between the two of them.

Shan Yu immediately paused and pulled his sword back. "Move Emily!"

There was angry tone in his voice that I never thought I would hear again since the night he saved me from drowning, confessed his feelings, and his desire to change. I felt scared once again that he was letting his lust for power take over his mind again. He could easily push me aside to finish the job, but my fears quickly diminished; I had become stronger since he declared his love for me and I was not about to become the quivering weak person I once was.

"Please Shan Yu, think about what you're doing, we've come this far and I know you want to finish this. I know how much you've talked about wanting to kill him, but listen to me, you said you don't need anyone who survives this invasion but have you ever considered what comes after the city is yours? Do you know anything about ruling? He might be able to help us, just think of that!" I told him, remaining as calm as I possibly could.

"I did not come all this way to spare my enemy and have my prize dictate that I should!" He thundered,

I felt tears approaching, how could he say that, his hunger for power is even making him forget about me, no..... this can't be happening. He must think I'm against him now.

"Please don't do this! I know deep inside you have a sense of compassion, ever since you found out what your feelings for me were, you would think twice from now on. I'm on your side no matter what but as someone who loves you, I advise you to think this over. Do you want the survivors to rise up against us and we don't know how to handle it? Don't make this harder than it already is. You cannot go on without me, right? Well, you might not be able to go on and rule without him."

A wave of emotion came across Shan Yu's face. He shut his eyes briefly in guilt and sheathed his sword. Instead of rage there was sorrow upon him. Perhaps he had realized that love was just as important to him as power was after all but there was no way for me to tell what was on his mind. I let one tear fall as I gazed at him wondering what he was thinking; was he really going to spare the Emperor after all? Then the silence was broken with his voice.

"I'll let you live old man, but you're going to help us keep this place in order or else you will die,"

The Emperor still showed no signs of fear, "So you are not going to kill me then? Very well,"

He paused and simultaneously the door behind us opened and to our surprise it was Xu Ling and Yong Ro limping into the room. Yong Ro had a torn piece of white gauze tied across his head, covering his right eye's bleeding socket, while the unsteady Xu Ling appeared to have injured his leg and had draped his arm over Yong Ro's shoulder.

"We came as fast as we could once the path was clear after witnessing Cheng and Li's sacrifice on the stairway. Guards pushed us back but not enough to stop. What is happening here?" Yong Ro asked as they both approached the stairs to the throne.

Suddenly, one of the doors below the banners opened again and a guard came running out. "Your Majesty, are you harmed? I heard the commotion, I'll send back up if we have any left," he started to say.

The Emperor lowered his head, "No soldier, a victory has been claimed fair and square. Tell the remaining forces across the city to cease all aggression. It's over,"

"Surrender? Are you serious?"

"That's an order."

The soldier did not answer and left the room following the demand.

Shan Yu walked past me to the Emperor, "Bold move, but you now serve me. Don't forget that," he growled, looking him straight in the eye.

A few other surviving Huns entered the room behind Yong Ro and Xu Ling; some of them were injured while a few others only showed bruises that had slowed them down.

Shan Yu pointed to the nearest one, "You, take this old man away. I will not be needing him just yet,"

Yong Ro approached him, "Before you shut me up, let me just say that shoulder wound needs treatment,"

Shan Yu grunted, "This damn scratch?"

"Yes, unless you want it to become infected which you can die from,"

He sighed, "Fine, do whatever it takes,"

He paused, and that was when I saw him glance at the now empty throne behind him, he seemed more interested in sitting on it for the first time than he was about his own injury and mine. There was a hint of selfishness in his eyes, but instead he answered, "As for my prize, take her to the master bedroom, she needs to rest as well."

You're not coming with me? I see how it is, I thought disappointed as I limped down the stairs, met with one of the Huns waiting by the door and left the throne room.

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