Chapter 18 - Promises Kept

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I glanced quickly around the tent for any signs of damage that could have been done from a possible raping. Turning over the fur pelt, I checked for drops of blood and found it to be spotless. The whole tent was clean an organized just the it was left once pitched.

Despite it being only a dream, the returning trauma made me interpret it as real. I grabbed the pelt of fur and rapidly turned it over for drops of blood, tears, and any possible sign that he had raped me in my sleep but there was no evidence. I panted and got to my feet running around the room in fear. He didn't do it, he didn't do it, get a hold of yourself! Stop this now! It was just a dream! That was what my inner voice was shouting at me nonstop as I ran back to the fur bed and collapsed on top of it wishing that the memories of the nightmare would leave forevermore. I wanted to cry, but nothing came.

"Emily, are you all right?"

I thrashed about and turned around quickly to spot Shan Yu enter the room. He was carrying my boots that I had seemingly left on top of the waterfall.

"I went back to retrieve them for you as I figured you may need them," He said, approaching me slowly,

My body shook as he drew near. Even though last night everything seemed to be fine when I accepted his feelings and his desire to change, I was still being haunted by my fears. Then he bent down and placed the boots at the front of the fur. I looked at him reluctantly and his dark eyes were not intimidating for once, instead it was care and concern; for me. The feeling was overwhelming and I desired to get my mind off the nightmare instantly.

"Thank you for finding them," I said quietly and slipped my feet into them. They were still snug and soft but still damp.

"Did you sleep well?"

I shook my head and inside I slowly felt my ability to speak of my fears to him diminish, now that he was less likely to make a threat.

"I had.....I had a nightmare. You came into the tent and raped me right there, I was so afraid I was real I....."

Shan Yu held up his right hand as a signal for me to stop, "I think I've heard enough. I was in my tent all night last night. Don't worry sweetling, it was only a dream."

I gazed into his eyes my cheeks were starting to turn pink as I continued to shake at the same time. It was like my body was on the brink of a tug of war; fear versus flatter from his change of ways I struggled to believe.

"I will have Yong Ro make you something to eat, perhaps that will take your mind off it. What will you do until then?"

He's worried about what I'm going to do with myself? This is definitely a sign. I thought.

"Umm....I don't know, maybe I'll look around,"

A surprised look came upon Shan Yu's face, "Really? I did not expect that. Very well, you may go wherever you like in the camp now, my men will probably not take kindly to that because of the way I have treated you for the past several days. If any of my men try anything just yell or come and find me. It will be a chilly day in hell when I let them touch you,"

"Okay," I whispered with a small tone of gratefulness. Things felt so different now, he was talking to me with concern and with a hint of affection. My heart had been racing since he confessed his love. Why was I so afraid to face him? Is it still the fear? I stood up and walked past him to the tent's exit.

I scurried out of the tent and ran across the camp towards the mess hall in confusion rather than fear. I did not know what to do, it all seemed so difficult yet so easy to accept that this was the new Shan Yu who had sacrificed his desire to abuse because he was in love with me. It could have been worse; he could have always had continued his abusive ways as the ruthless warlord his men expected him to be. Then at that moment I had to remind myself, I am afraid he might still snap back in to it, but nevertheless, I still preferred his kind and gentle side.

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