Chapter 13

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"They're not on the inside
They can't see what I see
Unless they're sitting in my point of view"



"I don't get why I get the back seat when Rihanna is getting out first.." I heard Dean in the back as Roman and I had met up with him at the airport.

Roman lift up his hand which wasn't on the steering wheel as he held mine.

"Well if you wanna come here and hold hands with me, I'm sure my girlfriend wont mind.." he looked in the rearview mirror as I laughed and Dean grumbled something.

I liked him, he was crazy . A bit like Roman's cousins but more out there..

Raw and Smackdown would be in New York this week which I was happy for as these past few weeks had made me not want to leave his side and I knew he was relieved as well when Dean called him yesterday to let him know.

Next week however or actually later this week he would be flying out and I dreaded the thought of it.

Yes I was attached to him emotionally and I hated it and loved it at the same time.

It had been a long time since I had trusted someone and felt comfortable enough to feel this way.

"So did he ask you?" Dean broke me from my thoughts and I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes I did and she said yes so now you have to come!" Roman smiled while I was confused.

"Seriously Rihanna couldn't you have decided to bail, I would have taken you to the movies or something"

I was still very confused.

"Yeah I'd let you take my woman to the movies while I'm stuck there.. His mad cause he didn't think you'd want to come with me when I mentioned to him I wanted to take you to the awards and then I told him if you did say yes which I'm glad you did, then he would have to come as well.
He hates it, his girlfriend Renee always insists he pitches but since she interviews people she ends up being on the carpet for before the show and on the other side of the audience away from him during it"

"So I don't see the point.." he shrugged and leaned back again.

"Well I need you there this year to distract me from feeling out" I smiled and he smiled.

"Couldn't you be so sweet brotha! Hopefully you'll meet my girlfriend tonight.. she's always busy backstage" he sighed.

"Because she's so nice that when they ask her to do shit she just agrees" Roman shook his head.

"I know " he rolled his eyes, "But hey we're all the same if they need you to do a quick promo we do that shit. Is it the same for you Rihanna, they say jump you ask how high?"

"I guess all businesses are that way" I shrugged and he nodded as I glanced out of the window for the rest of the drive.

"I'll come get you half hour before I go on okay?" I nodded as I leaned forward and kissed him.

"Fuck I don't want to leave you" I pouted surprising him and he laughed.

"I'm feeling the same baby girl.. but the sooner you get your beautiful behind up there the sooner I can pick you up" he whispered and I smiled and got out as Dean gave me a nod before taking my place in the passenger seat.

Close To You// Roman Reigns| Rihanna [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now