Chapter 10

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"Even if I feel bad about a situation
I put up that wall so hard
That I almost believe myself I don't care.."


I glanced over at her as she seemed to be deep in thought as she ate. After we showered she had been quiet for most of the morning. I figured she might have been tired from last night but it was something else.

"You okay?" She turned her face so that her eyes stared into mine.

She nodded, "how was your birthday party?"

"It was okay..." She whispered.

"You didn't enjoy it?" I frowned a bit as I figured her parties were always so over the top.

I hadn't seen any pictures of the night though, seemed it was a real private party this year.

"Not really..." She shrugged and I wasn't really used to this side of her.

I mean she didn't seem sad , something was bothering her but if she wanted me to know she would have told me. We were still in the early stages of our relationship so I didn't want to push her.

"Well I hope you enjoyed last night" I smirked and I saw her blush a bit as she rolled her eyes.

I don't know what came over me last night , things with Galina and I were simply vanilla in the bedroom and just sex with her.. But with Robyn I found myself going down on her and pushing her up against the wall, just intense.

Just thinking about it made me want to throw her onto the couch beside us but I needed to be at the arena soon and she was leaving as well.

"So whose the person you found to be on your song?" I asked before sipping some of my coffee.

"Uhm Drake..." She mumbled wearily.

"As in your ex?" She nodded and I was about to ask if it was about him but they were on good terms I assumed.

"Oh..." I simply said.

"I didn't want him to be, Kanye just figured that.."

She began but I cut her off as I didn't need her to give me an explanation as I trusted her.

"Its fine baby girl I was just wondering. Look I know you guys had a thing and that you are friends" I shrugged.

"So are my ex wife Galina and I so I get it, I just wanted to know that's all okay?" I reached for her hand to reassure her I wasn't worried about it.

She nodded.

"Are you sure you okay?" I frowned again as I didn't like that she seemed so off and our time was running out.

"Yes I just don't really feel like being in the studio .." She whispered.

"Then take a day off , come spend time with me at the arena.." I suggested hoping she would agree.

"I don't want to be in the way Joe.." She looked into my eyes with confliction filling it but I knew she wanted to come with.

"You won't be.." I stood up, "come on let's go" I extended my hand and she took it and we left.

I clutched her hand in mine as we entered the arena. Here I was in basically in gym clothes and all she had on was a shorts and a cardigan which was something she just threw on and I felt like nothing compared to her beauty.

Close To You// Roman Reigns| Rihanna [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now