Chapter 47

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"When you stand so close to me
I'm feeling butterflies

Is this the way that it supposed to be
When I look into your eyes

All you have to do is say my name
Just a stutter more like butter

Since I met you boy my whole worlds changed
I can't hide this or deny this..."



"....Happy Birthday to Romaaaaaan, happy birthday to you! "

I kissed Roman slowly and broke it as I smiled.

"It helps to have a couple amazing singers in our group to drown out all the horrible ones " Dean shrugged while Roman sat down as we clung our glasses and he pulled me into his lap.

"Yeah my woman and Roman's" Jimmy winked and I raised my glass in his direction.

"What? No I was talking about myself! My husky voice adds a nice bass to it you know? But Rihanna and Trinity are cool I guess "

I rolled my eyes but couldn't contain my laughter for my man's brotha.

I frowned as Roman was silent next to me and turned to find him staring at me.

"I think his still in shock!" Dean wavered his hand past Roman's face and he slapped it away while I couldn't help but giggle at my man.

Since they had dropped the blindfold and revealed me, his smile hadn't dropped either and he hadn't let me go as if I would disappear if he did.

We had walked onto the beach, because they didn't feel like waiting and all the luggage was currently in one corner as well.

We last saw each other two days ago but I was so happy that he had been smiling like crazy when he saw me.

After everything that happened this past week with my insecurities concerning his ex-wife and me foolishly doubting him, I didn't want to be away from him for long.

Especially with it being his birthday, so I took off for the entire week and only had one concert scheduled on Sunday which would be in the city Raw was going to be in.

I guess you could say I was being needy, but I couldn't help it. All my doubts were forgotten and I had to remember not to let anything get to me because the media was full of shit.

I had learnt that a long time ago but with Roman I let it get to me because like I have said before, its the first time I actually cared about someone and I needed to learn to deal with it all.

Yes he had snapped in the moment and he had the look in his eyes that I wouldn't forget from the day he walked in on my video with Drake.
But I didn't blame him as I accused him of wanting to cheat on me because he loves her, I thought lowly of him and that wasn't right.

I should have known how stupid it was as he never showed any sign of being a man like that but my insecurities got the better of me and well when you love someone you could do anything in a moment of weakness and I feared that had happened.

But it hadn't, if he said nothing happened.

Nothing did.

Now that the Needed me video was causing breaking up controversy, when my baby boy had been on set with me the entire time, I really realized how insane it all was.

Close To You// Roman Reigns| Rihanna [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now