The Mistake

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I was pacing around the room so much I thought they might here me. They didn't thow I couldn't wait till Tris got here and it would be over. All of this over - ow is that cress. My mind stopped and told me to get it together and go eat breakfast. We sat down and iko stared at us and said " Its not fare, I won't to eat bacon." In a very sad tone cress said " Its OK Iko, bacon isn't that good, I'm just now starting to get a hold of all the flavors."

We finished eating the girls sat and talked in the kitchen, while me and the guys went to go talk. Then there was a hover that pulled up. Cress answered it then walked in side and said " thorne, the model Tris is here for you." Finally I ran down stairs so fast and started yelling at her. How could she keep it from me, its lawfully mine when I claim it. She jumped in the hover and left. I went in side and ran up stairs and Kai was waiting. He started yelling at me about how could you do that to cress. I responded by saying " I don't won't her to know, all it would do is cause trouble." Kai then said " why would you do that to cress!?" Then I said " she doesn't need to know I'll fix this." When I turned around and she was standing in the door way. I couldn't let her know the truth I had to tell her a lie so I told her the lie. She didn't talk for a few days.

Then one day she came down the day we were go in to space. I went with her on her walk wolf wonted to come but she stayed no. We walked for awhile without talking and then I said " I'm sorry ". And she said " I don't won't to talk about it." I said " OK." And kissed her and to my luck she kissed me back.

Oms, this is getting so good I can't wait till you guys find out the truth. Things are about to get real.

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