On The Ship

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I woke up to a crash I ran down stairs. There was thorne and everyone carrying boxes of food to the ship. They were all picking up the veggies that fell. Thorne looked up first and said " good morning, uh do you know your not dressed." I held up a finger and ran up stairs. Iko followed when we got to the room she sat down and said " so what are you going to wear." " I don't know" pulling out two dresses. One was yellow with gold lining on the bottom and went my ankles. The other one was blue with a low curve neckline and black trimming on the bottom. I held theme up to Iko and she squealed " The blue one, it goes so good with your eyes and it gives you a amazing completion." I went to the bathroom put on the dress and let Iko take my hair and put it in a braided ponytail and she picked out black flats.

When we went down stairs they were done. Iko squealed " Thorne what do you think." He looked at me and smiled, then said " I think she looks good" he paused then said " is everyone ready?" When everyone noded he said " then let's get the week started." We went on the ship and I sat in the co pilot seat while thorne took off. When we were in orbit we all went to eat breakfast. When thorne got a com and walked in to the other room where he was yelling " its mine! You don't have the right!" Then he walked out and said " let's eat." I said " is everything ok?" He looked at me and with a sigh said " I need to go to America for a little while I'll be back by morning." I didn't know what to say other than " ok, just be safe." He smiled and kissed my cheek. After breakfast he left and Iko asked " why do you think he has to go to earth?" I said " I don't know." Winter said " why didn't you ask." Looking at her I said " I don't won't to know." We sat for a while til scarlet said " let's watch TV." When we went to bed I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing why was he being secretive, Iko came up to me while I sat on the couch and said " hey maybe he's been lieing and is going to purpose." I looked at her and said " why would that involve Tris." She thought for a while and said " nah, maybe she took money from him." I said " maybe, I'm tiered I'm going to sleep night." Waving she said "night."

When I got up in the morning every one was up and thorne was making pancakes. He smiled and said " good morning, cress howed you sleep." " good, how was your trip." " I'll tell you later, sit were just about to eat." " ok" we ate then we all were watching TV when thorne said " cress can I talk to you?" I responded by saying "yah sure." I followed him to the room and waited then he said " you know I would never won't or try to hurt you right?" I saw worry in his eyes then I said " yes in know its the same for me." Now there was something else in his eyes the look that says he has lied.

Ok in the next one you find out what thorne said. Its getting real.

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