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    Me and cress walked in to the kitchen and everyone sat down. Cinder announced that we were voting on who made dinner. Cress lost by one. She sighed and said " Everyone get out of my kitchen." Cinder sighed and ushered us all out, Iko screamed "what are you making for dinner." Cress returned by saying "you'll find out later". Then out of no where Jacin walk in with ice cream, cress said "good your here put theme in the freezer then get out." He did as he was told but before he left he said " ok , OK shortcake" cress crossed the kitchen with a wooden spoon and snaked him hard and all she did before she went back is " only thorne can call me shortcake, no one disrespects me in the kitchen." Jacin said "what is wrong with short cake?" Cress crossed the room so fast Jacin or wolf couldn't stop her, she smacked Jacin across the face and he yelped.

When we ate dinner it was the best we had so I said "cress this is amazing!" She looked at me and said "thank you" cinder looked at us then said "so when are you getting married?" I choked on a peice of steak, then said " cinder, what the hell are you talking about." Cinder looked at me then said " well your just such a cute couple-" cress stood up and said "let's go watch TV." Following her we turned on a old romantic movie. Me and her played on the couch she fell asleep and so did everyone else then I said some thing I never thought I would say.......

Ok, so I know its another cliffhanger but trust me its worth it.

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