Without Thorne

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I woke up with thorne gone there was a note on his pillow that only said " I left early so you could sleep I will see you in a day, I have something big planed - captain." Cress got up and ate then went to go visit the market.

All her friends were busy so she wondered the place alone. She watched people walk by she wondered and wondered what thorne was doing she thought to her self maybe he will give me a new dress. Then I'll ran in to her literally. " iko are you ok? What's wrong" Iko looked at Cress "I wonted to know if you would like to go eat with me?" Cress smiled at her " I would love to, and I won't to talk to you about thorne."

Cress and Iko walked to go eat while Iko gave her a list of ideas on what thorne could give her but when they ate, Iko looked at Cress "maybe he is married.?" *choking noise* cress gasped " what did you say?!" I'll stared at cress with mild surprise " maybe he is married." Cress stared at Iko.

Sorry I have been sick recently, but Thorne's story is next. ;)

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