What Cress Can't Know

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Thorne arrived at his parents house he was greeted by his mother. His mother took him inside and took him to his old room and talked as they walked " your dad will be here in 20 minuets with your sister, be careful what you say he has been in a bad mood." Thorne smiled and said " so nothings different." His mother stood at the door and looked at him " get settled then come on down we can talk at dinner." She walked away and went back to reading.

Thorne walked into his room and looked at all his old stuff He started un packing when He heard a hover pull up. He walked back down stairs again to find his sister in a short dress holding her bags she smiles "hello brother."  thorne glares "give me the ring." his fathe glared at him while shaking his had " don't fight in front of your mother." Thorne glared at him " I exspect to be back home to cress soon with the ring" he turned his attention to his sister " now give me it you brat."

Yes I'm sorry this one is really short. but next one will be longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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