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Cress froze and then started backing up I squeezed her hand and she came back we walked out and was greeted by our friends again we got to our room and cress huged me and said " thank you" I said " of course" The ball was in 1 hour we got ready I wore a simple black tux with a light up bow tie with blue lights, cress wore a light blue ball gown with dark blue designs threw it a pair of small high heel shoes and a diamond rose necklace I got her. Cinder wore silver kai wore a silver tux, winter wore bright white jacin wore a great tux, and scarlet wore a big red ball gown wolf wore a red tux. When we were called we walked down and went right to dancing.

When the night was over we went to bed and I told cress " I will leave in the morning and come back the next day" she smiled " ok I booked us a hotel" I frowned " you aren't coming cress" cress frowned and said " ok, you promise you'll come back" I smiled " I smiled" I promise" and we went to bed the next morning I wrote her a not and left.


Ok sorry this took a while I'll try harder so it will be sooner

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