The Lie

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I was up all night thinking about the lie I told it was haunting me that this was falling apart I had planed it a long time ago. I should of told her I should have. But it would bring up so many questions. This is just to much if Tris would just give me-. We dropped
Food. Cress was running down stairs and I said " good morning, uh do you know your not dressed?" She held up a finger and ran up stairs, iko followed. When they returned iko squealed " thorne what do you think." I replies with " I think she looks good" pausing then I said " is everyone ready to go?"

When we we're eating I got a com from Tris. I still fell guilty for what I told cress. Why did I say that Tris was my first wife and we were talking lately and she wonted to get back together. Sometimes I'm stupid that wasn't even close to the truth. The com said " if you won't it you have to come to earth to get it."I yelled " its mine, you don't have the right." I went back out and told cress I had to go to earth she was fine with it after we ate I left and headed to my old house.

When I got back I was making pancakes. I smiled when I saw cress and said " good morning, cress howed you sleep." " good, how was your trip." " I'll tell you later, sit were just about to eat." " ok" we ate then we all were watching TV when I said " cress can I talk to you?" She responded by saying "yah sure."She followed me to the room and waited then I said " you know I would never won't or try to hurt you right?" I know she saw worry in my eyes then she said " yes, I know its the same for me." Then I saw that she saw and knew I lied.

Ok so you found out what he told her but have you figured out what is the truth.

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