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We drove for a couple of hours and I tried to keep my eyes open because I didn't want anything to happen to me, or the owner, this early in a new ownership. I yawned and Grace looked up from her phone and towards me.

"Aww. You sleepy? It's ok. I'm not going to do anything to harm you so you can rest your head against the window and take a nap." She said with a smile. I hated it so much that it disgusted me. How can someone do that so much without face cramps?

"Is that an order?" She giggled and patted my thigh.

"No, I never order people around. I'm not above anybody else so don't be thinking like that. I'm just like you." She turned back to her phone and started typing again.

A little sleep won't hurt.

I laid my head against the window and closed my eyes but sleep just wouldn't come to me. I was too deep in my thoughts to do it.

What game is this lady playing here? She's got to have something planned for me. She'll most likely kill me as soon as we get to our destination with that sadistic smile on her face.

"What are you thinking about over there?" She said breaking me from my thoughts. I noticed that she scooched closer to me and she had a serious look.

"Nothing important."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I'd really rather not."

Yeah, like wondering when you're going to kill me isn't important at all.

"Ok. Just know that you can talk to me about anything at all. I also have a little surprise for you when we get home."

Yeah, surprise huh? Like my death?!!

"So can you tell me about yourself? I didn't fly across the country just to get you for nothing."

"Why did you fly across the country to come and get me?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Because I heard a lot about you. I know that you've been a slave since you were seven, you've had many owners and most of them mysteriously end up dead."

Was that what she wanted to know? How all of my owners both young and old have died?

"Well, if you must know, some of them had natural deaths. Others that were young didn't treat me right. Are you trying to ask me if I killed them all?"

"No." She said really quick.

"If you gave me the order, I'd give the truth. It's a good thing that you don't do that though."

"No, I don't. You can tell me the truth whenever you want, but I'll never lie to you unless the truth puts you in danger. So I'll do my best to treat you right."

Why the fuck is she saying that with so much sincerity? It annoys the hell out of me. Anyone in my shoes would know that what she said is a lie.

"Are you okay?" She asked while placing her hand on my balled up fist that I didn't even know it was.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said trying to wiggle my hand out of her grip. She released me and scooched back to her side of the seat.

Finally. Maybe I can get some sleep.

I rested my head against the window and shut my eyes. I was finally successful and drifted off.

-A few hours later-

"Hannah. Hannah, wake up we're at the airport."

Who the fuck is touching me?

"Hey, sleepyhead. I'm going to kiss you if you don't wake up." My eyes finally opened up to her annoying shaking on my shoulders. Her normal smile was still in her face and I tried to not let out a groan.

"Well, about time. Let's go. We gotta get to my jet."

"Jet?" I asked as I got out of the ride.

"Yes, silly. You think I just have a million dollars laying around to spend on anyone. I'm worth billions."

"Have an ego much?" My eyes widened at my sudden playfulness. Thankfully, she just laughed with me and shoved me a little.

"There's the fun in you that I wanted. It's about time." We walked into a small building with very few people in it. A jet was sitting on it's wheels with a man in a uniform waiting at the stair door. We went towards him and he greeted me by tipping his hat.

"Evening, ladies." Grace nodded her head toward him and we entered. The jet looked very comfortable for two people. The blinds were down on the windows, a refrigerator was in one side with other complimentary food in the side, and it had matching furniture along the walls. Grace let me choose my seat before her and I chose the couch by the window. She smiled and say on the chair across from me. The pilot stepped in and went to the front.

"Alright, ladies. Since it's just the three of us, I'll make this short. Seatbelts on when we hit turbulence, there's both food and drink on the house to the side right there and if anyone needs to go to the bathroom, just go down that little hallway back there and remember: what you let out, stays with us forever, or atleast until we land. Hope you enjoy the trip and don't get too wild."

Grace gave me a smile and walked across the floor towards me.

"Uhh. Can I sit next to you until we take off? I know it sounds stupid, but I still get scared when we get in the air."

"Yeah, you can." She sat on the middle cushion and leaned on me a little.

"Is this your first time in the air?" She asked me curiously.

"No. An airplane? Yes. Jet? Never." She nodded her head.

"Did you get scared your first time?"

"Kind of, but I couldn't show that I was scared. My owner would have beat me as soon as we got off the plane." She was about to say something else but the plane started taking off. She let out a little squeak and took hold of my hand in her's. She laid her head on my shoulder and waited until it started to move more smoothly. I was going to tell her the scary part was done but she fell asleep on me. I tried to wiggle myself out because I hated people touching me but she held on tighter.

"No, don't leave me again." She mumbled.

Again? What is she talking about? Or is it who? I don't care. It's none of my damn business. I just wish she would let go of me.

"Alright, ladies. Either buckle up or hold tight cause we are about to hit turbulence." The pilot said over the intercom. Grace moved her head a little under my chest completely avoiding the space I wanted to myself. There was a small, blanket on the coffee table next to the couch and I unfolded it as carefully as possible to not wake her. She snuggled into it as I wrapped it around her and she snaked her arms around my entire waist.

That's it! She can take the couch, but no one gets to just hold me!

I was about to free myself from her but the pilot stopped me.

"Sorry to disturb you two. I just need to go bathroom real quick." Grace squirmed underneath me and she left a spot on my stomach that I didn't know was being kept warm by her. I was shivering a little and I tried to get closer to her or atleast put her arm back. I guess the pilot saw me struggling to get warmth.

"Can I get you another blanket? Or would you like the heater to be turned up?" He said with a smile.

"Blanket, please." I didn't see where he went to because my eyes stayed glued on Grace. Her face is so intriguing and familiar that it's killing me. I would like to know if we've met before but there is no way I met this woman and forget a face like that. The pilot returned and handed me a similar one that was wrapped around Grace and I.

"Here you go, ma'am."

"Thank you." I said and he walked back to his station. I would like to fall asleep too but I took a long one on the ride to get to the jet. I looked around the room for a few minutes and, thankfully, my eyes started to get droopy and I soon fell asleep with Grace on my side.

The Slave and Her OwnerWhere stories live. Discover now