Jessica (Part 2)

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"I don't know how I feel about this, Han. I thought you hated all of your owners and you just wanna stop because one of them treated you nicely and fell in love with you?" Van asked and looked a little hesitant to ask her next question but I let her continue. "You're not in love with her are you? Or were you ever?" I shook my head and sighed at how insecure Van looked right now.

"No, Van. I have always been in love with you and you only. She was my first owner after you.....supposedly died and even then I only thought of you no matter how hard Jessica flattered me. To be honest, I thought she would be the only one left in the world that would give a damn about me and I believed if I were to be with anyone after you, it would be her but I could never do that to you, Vanity."

Van still seemed unsure so I wrapped my arms around her and brought her into my lap. She didn't look me in the eyes, but she nervously played with her fingers as a distraction.

"I don't know, Hannah." Her voice cracked and it only made me feel worse and cause my stomach to drop.

"What do I have to do to make you feel better, baby?" I asked and grabbed the side of her face to look me in the eye. I could see she was searching for an answer in her mind.

"I wanna meet her." I was a little shocked at the request and pulled away from her slightly.

"Umm, why would you wanna do that?" She pulled me back closer to her and held onto the back of my neck.

"Because she was the only one that made you doubt your love for me."

"I never said tha-" She cut me off and placed a finger on my lips.

"So I wanna see what all your hype is about." I stared at her suspiciously.

"You're not gonna kill her, are you?"

"We'll see."

"Alright, ladies. Please gather your belongings and make your way to the exit. Thank you for flying and we hope to see Ms. Dennis and her guests again soon. Have a nice trip." The pilot said from the intercom. We both sighed and made our way back to Grace who already had our stuff ready for us.

We walked towards the black SUVs where Marcus was waiting for us. I was too worried about Van meeting Jessica that I didn't even bother with the suspicious driver of ours and stared out the window. I could hear Van speaking to Grace of what she was planning to do.

After an hour of driving, I let out a big sigh when I realized we were pulling into the long driveway of Jessica's mansion. I could see us approaching the large, gray house through the evenly placed oak trees. Marcus stopped the car and opened the door for us as we got out. Graced cocked back a pistol to check for any empty slots and put it in her back pocket.

"No guns." I deadpanned.

"But whyyyyy?" She whined like a five year old.

"Because no one is going to get shot." I told her.

"Bring it just in case." Van said making me glare at her and sigh. I walked towards the door first with the two trailing me and I hesitantly knocked on the door. I could hear Grace taking the safety off her Walther and kept her hand behind her back. The door opened and a short, blond woman in a maids outfit appeared from the door.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked with a questioning look on her face as she observed the three of us.

"We're here for your master, Jessica. Is she still around?" I asked. The girl seemed to be a bit uncertain but before she could call for her master, the door widened and Jessica came out with a pistol and pushed it against my forehead. I raised my hand to signal Grace and Van that I was alright.

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