Mood Killer

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"Hannah? Hannah!" I heard the voice calling in the distance. I stood outside in the windy evening. My hands were balled into bloody fists as I took out my frustration on a defenseless tree. Van gasped from behind me as her gaze went to the red stained bark of the tree and then to my discolored hands.

"Han, what did you do to your pretty hands?" Van had grabbed mine into hers and kissed them close to where the blood was. "We need to clean this up. Master, isn't going to like that it's painful for you to work. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm fine, Van." I whispered trying to pull my hands away. She gripped them tighter and grabbed my face forcing me to look at her.

"Tell me what's wrong, dumbass." She said demandingly.

"I WANT TO LEAVE!" I yelled at her. She flinched and I instantly cursed myself for taking my anger out on her. She released my hand and I sighed. I moved to wrap her in my arms but she backed away from me.

"Van, I'm sorry. It's just that Master got me pretty hard today." I mumbled. I sat down and leaned against the tree. Van sat down next to me and rubbed my thigh comfortingly like she always does. "He started speaking of my family. He said they were stupid for having me and he called them a bunch of inbred retards. That's funny coming from somebody who has cousins for parents." I joked and we both laughed. Van placed her head in the crook of my neck and I kissed her forehead.

"Let's leave then." She whispered that I just barely caught it. I pulled my head away to look her in the eyes and grabbed both sides of her face.

"Are you serious? Are you joking? Please don't say you're joking." I pleaded. She nodded her head slowly.

"I want to leave. Tonight." I searched deeply into her eyes if there was anyway she would object but after I got my answer, I pressed my forehead to hers and kissed her lips.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Van smiled at me and rubbed her thumb across my cheek.

"Don't thank me. You've done a lot for me. I need to do something for you."

"You don't need to do that." I told her sincerely.

"No, I want to. Come on. Let's leave right now." She pulled me to my feet but I stopped her.

"Wait, we haven't thought this through yet." I cautioned.

"We just did. We get out of this fucking place."


"You kids leave this place, I'll have someone find you. No matter how long it takes!" Our master's wife yelled with blood dripping down her face. Van had hit her with a brick to use as a distraction. It was long enough to take out her husband and gather everything we needed from the kitchen.

Van and I had ran far enough to not even see their house in the distance anymore. We were in the middle of the forest with about two weeks of food and water in our bags. We had stolen one of their fancy tents that they used for camping trips so we could set that up during the night. Van and I had stopped short to take a rest and she panted placing her hands on her knees.

"That. Was. Amazing." Van said breathlessly. We both giggled and I could hear the exhaustion in our voices. Our run was about two miles but it felt like a hundred.

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