Morning Breath

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I lay awake staring at the ceiling above me since it had been a few hours after Grace and I said our goodnights. I kept pondering over her questions like she asked but already knew all the answers. It bothered the crap out of me to think she is hiding soemthing from me, but what? My burning desire to my questions got the best of me and took control of the situation.

I climbed out of bed and made my way down the hall. I stopped outside of Grace's door and listened for anything on the other side. She wasn't making any noise so she must be asleep. I cracked the door open a bit to see a breathing lump on her bed. I tip toed to her side of the plethora. Her facial features were being hit by the moonlight and it looked stunning. Her tan skin and brown hair now glowed and body moving at a normal, steady pace. She looked peaceful. Although I've never been interested in anyone, other than Van, Grace reminds me a lot of her. They both wiggle their nose after taking a sip from their drink, moan on the first bite of something delicious, and furrow only one eyebrow when they pay very close attention. The similarities were killing me and there was nothing I could do make sense of it. There was also the option to warm up to her so much and get the answers out of her. So that's what was going through my mind when I first got out bed.

Go beyond the slave and owner bond to gain her trust.

I gently used my hand to shake her awake until her eyes opened up. She looked around the room til her eyes focused on me and a look of concern showed on her tired face.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just....can I sleep by you?" I asked faking my shyness. She nodded her head and lifted the covers to let me in.

"Sure. It's been a minute since I've shared a bed."

I crawled under and laid my head on the pillow facing towards her making her do the same.

"You were fine last night. What made you sneak in here?" She asked as she pulled some of my hair back behind my ear.

"I couldn't go to sleep."

"Bad dream?"

"No." I mumbled to her.

"Then what was it?" She asked me.

"I couldn't go to sleep because I never apologized to you." I said barely audible.

"Aw, it's okay. It was my fault."

"That is no way a slave should treat their owner."

"And I told you before that you do not belong to me and you are not my slave. You are my friend." Grace said meaningfully while staring into my eyes. She looked a little lower on my face and started to lean in. Her lips kissed the edge of mine and landed mostly on my cheek. "You must forget everything you've once known in life to learn about the future. It may not be easy and I'm in no rush, but you will have to accept that this is your life now. I am your life now." Her whole body moved forward to enclose around mine and it was something I hadn't ever felt before, but I also had to remember to keep the act going.

~Next Day~

I woke up and internally jumped at my surroundings to remember where I was and calmed down at the realization. I was still in Grace's room with the curtains dimming all four walls. I felt pressure on my body and looked down to see a snoring Grace with her mouth slightly open. She may have the looks of a goddess, but she still had the morning breath of every other normal human on earth. It didnt really bother me cause even I have the same thing at this time of day.

I carefully unclasped her arm from around me and untangled our legs to get out of bed. Her face looked so innocent and harmless that it reminded me of the way she treated me. Grace's affection towards me is completely different than almost everyone I've ever spoken or looked at. Many would take no more than one glance at me and if they did, it would be more of a scowl or a look of disgust. It confused me when Grace only had a true smile for me ever since we got into her vehicle to bring me here and it sickened me to think that someone would show such kindness to someone like me.

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