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After hours of trying on clothes, we landed ourselves at what Grace says is our last store. We are currently at a shopping mall and dozens of bags sit next to Grace's chair as she waits for me to exit the dressing room. I look at myself in the mirror one last time and feel a lot more comfortable in clothes that she picked out for me than any other owner has. Normally, I would wear some stupid maid outfit that would squeeze the life out of me or ripped, used ones that haven't been washed in weeks. I, for once in my life, It scares me.

"You okay in there, Hannah?" Grace asked behind the curtain with concern.

"Yeah, I'm done. May we please leave this place now?" I reply as I pull the curtain aside and step out. Her eyes widen and a smile spreads on her face.

"Wow." She sighed at my appearance. "You look beautiful, Hannah. Even if it is in simple wear. You take my breath away." Her hazel eyes looked at me with honesty and it stung my being. She observed me more by circling me for what seemed like an inspection.

"Your dumb owners must've never noticed that even slaves have curves." She said referring to my skinny, black jeans and my abs being flaunted by the red crop top and jacket. Grace moved all my hair to one side And stood in front of me.

"You looking like that could cause me some serious competition." She smirked. My eyebrows raised at her strange compliment.

"Competition?" I asked her. She only waved her hand in dismissal of my question.

"Just a joke. You hungry yet?"


"Well, let's go pay for those and we can leave."

"You don't have to get me all of these things, you know?" Grace only gave me a genuine smile in return.

"I know I don't have to, but I do it because I want to. I still have to prove you wrong on our pinky promise." I nodded my head and turned to get out of these clothes. We paid for them and left. Grace and I carrying at least seven bags in our arms.

"So what kind of food are you feeling?" She asked me.

"I don't know. I've only ever ate what my owners had at their homes." Grace frowns a little but continues to walk. A smile suddenly came on her face.

"I know a place you'll love. The Cheesecake Factory." Her walking speed picked up after she said that. We walked until we got to the front of the huge mall and entered the black vehicle that always seems to await us everywhere we go. The bags were placed in the back and Grace told the driver where we will get lunch. I'm not a very big eater so it'll most likely also be my dinner.

"Do you have a favorite meal?" Grace asked me out of nowhere."

"Well, I was never really given a variety of food choices. I guess I do like chicken a lot." She smiled at my answer.

"How about a dessert?"

"I don't care much for sweets." I told her honestly. She let out a small gasp feigning disgust.

"How could you not like sweets? How can anyone not like sweets?" I shrugged my shoulder at her questions.

"I have no idea."

"You're a strange one, Hannah."

"The feeling is mutual, Grace." We pulled to a stop and exited the car. Grace came to my side and I held the door for her as we entered the restaurant. She mumbled a 'thank you' and we went to the small desk with a lady behind it staring at the top.

"Excuse me, ma'am. We'll take a table for two." The girl behind the desk looked up slightly annoyed until her eyes met Grace. The employee squealed a little at the sight of her

The Slave and Her OwnerWhere stories live. Discover now