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The prisoners were set free in our fight against Snake. They graciously thanked us and we sent them to an unknown safe house for ex-captives.

The next one on our list is an old owner of Van. This woman once owned huge amount of land where she made her slaves do her yard and house work. The land was passed down to Hher two children who treated the slaves much worse. Van had recalled a time where the eldest son laughed as his sister shot a middle aged woman as target practice while they were working in the field. The woman was one of the only friends Van had during her time there.

Van was humming along to the music playing on the car radio and it was adorable to see her head sway to beat. Grace was sleeping not so gracefully next to me with drool running down her cheek and her head leaned against the pillow. Marcus was driving again and he smirked at my further complaints to Grace about him.

There's something off about him.

"How are your ladies doing back there, Ms. Hannah?" I crossed my arms like a stubborn child and pouted my lip.

"They're doing just fine. You're barely two feet away from them." He chuckled at my condescending tone.

"Just trying to make conversation." Van smacked my arm and glared at me telling me to behave. I only huffed in annoyance.

"Alright, then." After a while later, Grace had switched positions from her pillow leaned up against the window and onto my lap. At first, Van had put up an arguement but once I gave her one of the many snacks in the car, she shut up and happily ate the candy bar.

The three of us were becoming more of a family and it didn't dawn on me until I realized that Grace had truly forgiven us for what we did to her parents. Or maybe she has just enough self control in her that she feels no need to kill. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You know what I think?" Van said out of nowhere.


"I think you think too much." I smiled as she rubbed my cheek soothingly.

"And I think you think of me thinking too much." She giggled at me and patted my cheek gently.

"Touche. But what were you thinking of?" From the corner of my eye, I could see Marcus looking at us from the rear view mirror and I sent a glare towards him making him revert his attention back to the road where they belong.

"Nothing." I said with a shrug. I debated on whether waking up Grace so we could go over a game plan for our next attack, but the slobber was too funny to pass up. I asked Van to pass me Grace's phone and I unlocked it. I took a picture of her wet face and set it as her lock screen as a surprise for when she wakes up. Van and I giggled at her new screen saver and the thought of her checking her phone for when she wakes up. About an hour later, Grace finally woke and I began to go over our next move.

"Alright, so the size of the land she owns isn't really a huge setback but with how open it leaves us, we could be spotted before we get out of the car so what I was thinking is that we pretend to be delivery guys with a new slave on hand. We'll decide that later and once our men take out their guards, we move in, kill the devil siblings, free the slaves, and be on our way to the killing of another. Any questions?"

Grace had her hand raised, but I chose to ignore her.

"Good. I'm going to take my well deserved nap now since it seems all I am to this team is a pillow and someone to sexually harass." I flopped my head down into Van's lap and put my legs comfortably on Grace's and received my well-deserved shut eye.


The next time I woke up, I saw Van staring out the window and Grace's face close to mine while poking me awake.

The Slave and Her OwnerWhere stories live. Discover now