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I was thrown out of the van and into the arms of an awaiting woman. Her hair was nice and short, clothes were neat and wrinkle-free, face was more symmetrical than any one else's that I have ever seen. This woman was beautiful but to no avail; she was not my Vanity.

She had a frown that looked incurable on her face when I was placed in front of her. I wondered who or what made it remain that way. Her workers tugged me to stand up uncomfortably straight in her presence and then kicked me from behind my knees to kneel.

This bitch was supposed to be royalty.

"What's your name, slave?" She said as she crouched down in front of me and with a single finger tucked underneath my chin. Her guards gave me a stern look causing me to gulp in fear.

"It's whatever you want it to be, ma'am." She gave me that evil smirk I've seen so many times before, but there was something off about her. Something that made her harsh demeanor unbelievable.

Granted that at the time I was only about fifteen or sixteen years of age cowering in front of a girl about a year older than me, and I had not yet come to terms with how fierce I could truly be. So when I was kneeled before this particular owner, I did something you would never see me do today.

"Are-are you going to hurt me?" I said fearfully.

Yes, she made me stutter.

"I don't know. We'll have to see if you're a good girl. Guards!" The uniformed men swept me off my knees and carried me into the....castle?!

My mind was too focused on my new owner that I didn't think much about the new house. I stared in awe at the heavy doors, the chandelier, the furniture, the staircases, and the fanciness overall. We bounded up the staircase to the right and down a hallway with pictures, paintings, and mirrors.

We came to a stop on the fourth room to the left and my mouth almost dropped to the enormous size of this girl's bedroom. She had curtains drawn over her king-sized bed and a beautiful view of her home through the window.

"I'll take it from here, guys. Thank you." The princess said to the guards and they nodded and closed the door behind them. She removed the chains from my hands and threw them on her couch in the corner. She smiled at me and pulled me by my shirt to her large bed.

"Am I allowed to sit here now?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"Yeah, you can. Daddy said that you're going to be my new assistant and best friend, since he wants me to be around more girls my age and he's always away on his business trips. He fears that I'll be lonely and I'll never have friends. What's your name?"

"It's Hannah."

"Hannah. Well, it suits you. How many owners have you had before me?" I had to think for a minute because it feels like I've been tossed around too many times to count.

"I've been a slave since I was about seven but I'm not sure of the exact number of owners I've had. Most likely more than ten by now." She nodded her head in compassion. "Can I ask what your name is?"

"Jessica. Oh, and I'm nineteen even though I look younger."

"I don't even know how old I am." I said which made her laugh.

"You're funny, Hannah. I think we're going to be great friends."

****(Minor Sexual Content)****

I was walking down one of the many hallways that I've memorized after a few weeks of being here, when I heard a scream. I knew what kind of scream it was because I've screamed that way. I wasn't sure who was causing it because only the princess was here and her father was still away on his trip. I followed the noise to Jessica's room where I peeked in through the slightly open door. I almost gasped loud enough to be heard when I saw the scene before me.

The Slave and Her OwnerWhere stories live. Discover now